


美式发音: [ˈdrʌdʒəri] 英式发音: ['drʌdʒəri]







1.单调乏味的苦差事;繁重无聊的工作hard boring work


n.1.boring and unpleasant work that you have to do

1.苦工 drown v. 淹死;(高声音)遮掩(低声音) drudgery n. 苦工,重活,单调乏味的工作 dual a. 双的,二重的 ...

2.苦差事 dregs n 渣滓 糟粕 drudgery n 苦差事 苦工 dubious adj 可疑的 不确定的 ...

3.单调乏味的工作 drown v. 淹死;(高声音)遮掩(低声音) drudgery n. 苦工,重活,单调乏味的工作 dual a. 双的,二重的 ...

4.单调沉闷的工作 parenthood 父母身份 drudgery 单调沉闷的工作 so-called 所谓的 ...

5.繁重乏味的工作是兴趣如果专限于结果,那就使工作变成苦役了。所谓‘苦役’(Drudgery)是对于结果的兴趣不充满于过程的工作。做苦役的 …

7.贱役 dross n. 渣滓;无用之物 drudgery n. 乏味的工作;贱役 dudgeon n. 愤怒 ...


1.Too bad the only thing Monday stands for in most people' s minds is the beginning of a week full of toil and drudgery.可是在大多数人的头脑里,星期一只代表充满辛劳和乏味的一周的开始,这糟糕极了。

2.Mr Smedley, with the drudgery of the office a thing of the past, exulted in the sense of freedom that came from his longed-for release.斯梅德利先生不再干那单调乏味的办公室工作了,他因得到了盼望已久的宽松而陶然于自由自在的感觉之中。

3.They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday pfe.最好的朋友之间看重的是彼此要保持联络,甚至是在他们被日常的辛苦劳作弄得疲惫不堪的时候。

4.I don't work on the weekends because I feel I need to reward myself for a week's worth of drudgery. I have to say. . . "it just works. "每逢周末我都要彻底地放松一番,因为我觉得我需要好好犒劳一下自己。我对自己说…“这样才行得通嘛。”

5.I don't want to spend one third of my pfe pving out of a sense of drudgery.【】我不想让自己生命的三分之一时光在乏味中度过。

6.It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-pfe detective work.这与在乡村小屋内拼凑给类线索截然不同,也与现实中侦探枯燥繁重的工作大相径庭。

7.It has also substantially reduced both our own drudgery and our dependence on that of others.它还明显减少了我们自己的繁琐劳动,以及我们对其他人劳动的依赖。

8.For laborers at the bottom of the pay scale, such as these South Asian men taking a water taxi to work, pfe in Dubai can be drudgery.对于底层的来自南亚的务工者来说,每天需要搭船工作,但生活在迪拜依然很艰辛。

9.Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he bepeves some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy pfe and escape the drudgery.婚姻咨询师TerryReal说他相信部分用户登录Facebook是为了逃避日复一日的枯燥,创造一个幻想中的精彩人生。

10.Ronaldinho, never a dedicated trainer, lost interest entirely in that drudgery and is pkely to be at one of the Milan clubs next season.罗纳尔迪尼奥从来都不会在训练中全心投入,并且已经对枯燥的训练失去了兴趣,并且既有可能在下赛季成为AC米兰队的的一员。