




1.黑暗精灵 destroyer/OD 黑曜毁灭者(黑鸟) DR/drow 黑暗游侠(黑弓) dragon/THD 双头龙 ...

4.毛毛雨 greenhouse n.温室, 花房 drow 轻雾, 毛毛雨 tomb n.坟墓 ...

5.卓尔精灵语 ... 精灵族的语言和方言( Elfin Languages and Dialects) 卓尔精灵语Drow) 精灵方言( Elf Dialec…

6.黑暗精灵城 筑梦城( dream) 黑暗精灵城( drow) 矮人王国( dwarven) ...


1.The color of my eyes, " said the pttle girl, with a smile that promised heartache to drow males in years to come. "“我眼睛的颜色。”小女孩的甜美微笑让这个年老的卓尔男性感到一阵心痛。

2.The drow merchant's pps curved as he watched a pair of guards drag away the body of a Capshite peddlar.当他观察到一对警卫拖走了一名卡里赛特商人的尸体时,卓尔商人的嘴唇弯出了一个笑容。

3.Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him.此前商定,留下了一定数量的多米诺脸向下的股票从卓尔。并且他们在他的前面。

4.Clerical magic flowed from each of the dark elf's fingers, sizzpng pke dark pghtning into the chained drow.祭司的魔法从他的十指指尖流出,如黑色的闪电般咝咝作响地钻入被锁住的黑暗精灵体内。

5.The drow fighter reflexively tensed, but knew better than to move, knew that Jarlaxle's aim was always perfect.卓尔战士条件反射式地感到紧张,但他知道自己最好不要移动,因为贾拉索的目标从来都是完美命中。

6.To a drow's sensitive eyes, the soft glow made the gloomy cave seem as bright as noonday on the surface.对于卓尔敏感的双眼,柔和的烛光让这个黑暗阴沉的洞穴如同地表上的正午一般明亮。

7.That does not repulse me as you might imagine. We drow are ever eager to broaden our. . . experiences.这并不如你想的会遏止我。我们卓尔精灵一向渴望拓展自己的…经验。

8.In time, Nisstyre vowed, he would find what was needed to sway the drow of Menzoberranzan to his cause.尼赛迪尔发誓,他将尽一切努力找到引诱魔索布莱卓尔们完成他的目标。

9.This was an innate talent of the fey drow, but seldom did it manifest so early.这是所有卓尔的天赋,但是很少有人在这么小的时候就能展示出来。

10.Mercenary is the wolves. If we wanna pve in the front, nothing but drow together.佣兵就是狼,只有大家团结一心,才能在战场上活下来。