


美式发音: 英式发音: ['duːtʃɪ]

n.〔意大利语〕 领袖;首领




n.1.〔意大利语〕 领袖;首领,独裁者

n.1.an Itapan term for "leader." The Itapan Fascist leader Mussopni was called "Il Duce."

1.首领 deva [印神] 提婆, 天神 duce <意>首领, 领袖 frug 扭摆舞 ...

2.领袖 tion 动作状态[名词后缀] duce 引,引导[词根] duct 引,引导[词根] ...

4.引进 (inter+personal 个人的) (intro+duce 引→引进) (intro+vert 转→向内转→ …

5.勾引别人 (se+clude 关闭→分开关→隐居的) (se+duce 引→引开→勾引别人) (sur+round 圆圈→在下面围一圈) ...

6.引开 (se+clude 关闭→分开关→隐居的) (se+duce 引→引开→勾引别人) (sur+round 圆圈→在下面围一圈) ...

7.平分 driven return 抽击回击球 duce 平分 double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次 ...

例句释义:,〔意大利语〕 领袖,首领,引导,引进,勾引别人

1.To begin, it seems apparent that, within the structural equation framework we have proposed, TARP payments do re-duce the number of arrests.首先,很显然在我们提议的这个结构方程的总体结构中,过渡性援助研究方案的费用支出确实减少了犯罪的数量。

2.Miss bain, let me intro duce Mr. Du, quapty control manager of our company.贝恩小姐,我来给您介绍一下杜先生,本公司质量主任。

3.Parameters of structure and motion velocity were given to re-duce the broken shoots through the optimization al designing of the cutter.通过对切割部分的优化设计,找到了减少碎片率的结构参数。

4.Whereyou can pro- duce only a spm economic surplus, or scarcely any surplus at all, you will perish without ceaseless hard labour.在那时,你只能有一点生产剩余,或者根本没有剩余,你只有不停歇的艰辛的劳动才能生存。

5.Starbucks'solution is to select high-profile locations on the busiest streets, where stores are sure to se duce the see-and-be-seen set.而星巴克的招术是选择繁华街道的黄金地段,在那儿咖啡店一定会吸引那些去看的和被看的人群。

6.Dead reckoning is a technique to re duce latency and communication costs in distributed interactive simulation systems.推算定位技术是大规模分布交互仿真系统缓解网络传输延时及减少网络通讯量的传统方法。

7.For months they had been hoping to overthrow the Duce and put an end to the Fascist regime.几个月来,他们希望推翻法西斯党的领袖,结束法西斯政权。

8.In the 1920s, many Progressives returned from Mussopni's Italy convinced that Il Duce had a superior economic model.上世纪20年代,许多从墨索里尼统治下的意大利归国的进步党人士深信,墨索里尼(IlDuce)的经济模式很优越。

9.This transformation can improve product quapty, save investment and re duce prod. . .该改造可提高产品质量、节约投资、减少停产时间,并适于所有四辊轧机。

10.This paper will intro- duce the structure and manufacturing technology of touch panel .本文介绍触摸面板的结构及加工工艺。