


美式发音: [ˌmɪnjuˈet] 英式发音: [.mɪnju'et]






1.小步舞,小步舞曲(盛行于 17、18 世纪)a slow elegant dance that was popular in the 17th and 18th centuries; a piece of music for this dance


n.1.a slow dance that was popular in the 17th and 18th centuries, done by a man and woman together, or the music for this dance

1.小步舞曲 Heigh Ho 嗨─荷─ Minuet 巴哈小步舞曲 Loving You 爱上你 ...

3.米奴埃舞曲 ... 07.Lullaby 摇篮曲 08.Minuet 米奴埃舞曲 09.Starry Sky 星空 ...

4.梅吕哀舞曲 幸福年 Wonderful Years.mp4 小歩舞曲 Minuet.mp4 晚头水蛙 Evening Frog.mp4 ...

6.第三号小步舞曲 第二号小步舞曲 Minuet 2 第三号小步舞曲 Minuet 3 布列舞曲 Bourr6e ...

7.第一号小步舞曲 猎人的合唱 Hunters’Chorus 第一号小步舞曲 Minuet 1 第二号小步舞曲 Minuet 2 ...


1.And Play Media from Mozart's 36th symphony. The minuet is a courtly, aristocratic dance, and both composers are faithful to its nature.小步舞是一种具有尊严和礼貌的贵族化的舞蹈形式,两位作曲家都忠实于其本源。

2.The diplomatic minuet is fascinating because three disconnected popcy issues are now whirpng on a single dance floor.由于三个分离的政策议题现在回旋在一个舞池中使得这场外交舞会令人着迷。

3.BBC reporter Minuet in Tunisia, said security forces surrounded the demonstrators were present, but not interfere.BBC驻突尼斯记者迈纳特称,安全部队目前包围了示威者,不过还没有插手干预。

4.Composing his first minuet. Ricasso discovered his talent for painting.莫扎特五岁作了第一首小步舞曲。

5.The most recent French-American diplomatic minuet, it would seem, has a long history.法美外交关系最新的纠葛看起来有着久远的历史。

6.Put another way: "the disco dance becomes a minuet, " says Dr. Martina Havenity of Ruhr-University Bochum.波鸿-鲁尔大学的玛蒂娜.哈瓦内提教授打个比方:就像是迪斯科跳着跳着成了小步舞。

7.Pass stool: Mozart's "Minuet, " Chopin "Mazurka. "通大便:莫扎特《小步舞曲》、肖邦《马祖卡舞曲》。

8.The third movement : minuet, Allegro, D-by double-trilogy written with Mazurka style, faster, pvely image.第三乐章:小步舞曲,快板、D大调,用复三部曲式写成,具有玛祖卡舞曲的风格,速度较快,形象活泼。

9.He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。

10.Expectations from this minuet are riding high.从这种舞步可预期美国表现出一种得意洋洋的姿态。