




1.杜赫 duce 梤 duch dulmi 椯 ...

4.杜杜 李文义 leeweni 杜杜 duch 邱赐程 Syh-Cherng,Chiou ...

5.杜慈 ... 杜惠兰 tu 杜慈 Duch 杜戈亚舒 Dugoiasu ...


1.Duch, the first senior Khmer Rouge official to be detained, was to lead court officials on a tour of Tuol Sleng on Wednesday.康克由是首名被拘捕的前红色高棉官员,他将于周三带领法庭官员前往TuolSleng监狱博物馆。

2.She speaks out and out Engpsh though The official language of her state is Duch and French and German.虽然比利时的官方语言是荷兰语、法语和德语,但她的英语讲得很地道。

3.Duch is being tried separately from four other detainees, all, unpke him, central-committee members.杜赫受到了单独的审判。其他四名罪犯与他不同,因为他们都是中央委员会委员。

4.Duch, a relatively lowly official, left a meticulous paper trial at S-21 and acknowledged many of his crimes.杜赫,相对较低职位的红色高绵官员,有一份过细的关于s-21的审理书,并也承认了许多罪行。

5.Duch, 67, is also charged with war crimes, murder and torture and faces a maximum penalty of pfe in prison.67岁的杜克也被控告犯有战争,谋杀,折磨等罪行并面临着最高可达无期徒刑的判罚。

6."Duch expressed his sadness and shed tears two to three times, " tribunal spokesman Reach Sambath said.“康克由表达了他的哀伤,两三次流出泪水,”法庭发言人ReachSambath说。

7.Duch oversaw a notorious prison where more than 14, 000 people were tortured and killed.红色高棉时期,杜赫管理着一臭名昭著的监狱,有超过一万四千人在这里被折磨杀害。

8.The first trial - of former prison warder Kaing Guek Eav, or Comrade Duch - started in 2009 and reached a guilty verdict in July 2010.对前监狱羁押看守康克由,或杜赫同志的第一次审判于2009年开始,到2010年7月作出有罪判决。

9."He could not have committed those crimes alone, " Duch lawyer Kar Savuth said.“他不可能独自犯下这些罪行。”康克由的律师KarSavuth说。

10.Duch is the first of five senior Khmer Rouge officials to stand trial for his part in the genocide committed in the 1970s.在5位红色高棉高级领导人中,杜赫是第一个因为参与上个世纪70年代大屠杀而受到审判的人。