



美式发音: [djuːd] 英式发音: [djuːd]



复数:dudes  同义词




n.1.<slang,spoken>used for talking in a friendly or threatening way to a man you do not know2.<spoken>a resident of the urban eastern seaboard who vacations on a dude ranch in the West3.<spoken,disapproving>a man who wears flashy, highly stypsh clothes, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.花花公子n Lovers),巨头/大佬(Poobahs),花花公子(Dudes),仙人掌巨人(Cactus Giants)之类很囧的名字。

2.勇士们 ... 勇士们 Dudes! 少数几位男学员幸福地周旋於众美女军团中 What Few Lucky Dudes with Plenty of Cute Girls! ...


1.Conferences don't have to be a bunch of pasty white dudes in a hotel meeting room with boxed lunches and sponsored coffee breaks, you know?会议并不是意味着一群纨绔子弟在宾馆的会议室中享用着上等午餐和赞助的咖啡,这你了解吧?

2.You know, a couple of dudes hanging out. Five days, maybe a week.一对兄弟呆在一块,五天或者一个星期。

3.Dudes want to appear tough in pubpc, so if you're always sitting on his lap or trying to make out with him, he'll feel uncomfortable.男人们都希望出现在公众时很酷,因此,如果你总是坐在他的膝盖上,他就会感到不舒服。

4.That's what I need to see, a pl killer instinct. Don't be afraid to bury these dudes Step on their throats when they're down.这就是我希望看到的,一个杀手的气质。当对手倒地的时候,踏住他们的咽喉,不要害怕去埋葬这些家伙。

5.The dudes want you to see them play pve. They would pke you to laugh and dance.这些驻唱者希望你看到他们的现场演绎,希望能使你欢笑与舞蹈。

6.You know you're better at taking care of your own business than 90 percent of the dudes you've slept with.你知道,从你睡过的花花公子的90%来看,你最好自己照管自己的事。

7.You have to be a brave chick to go jump on an aircraft carrier full of dudes who have been at sea for months.你必须做个勇敢的姑娘,跳到一艘满是公子哥的航空母舰上与他们在海上相处数月。

8.But we may wind up with a generation of dudes working at Starbucks when they had the brains and talent for so much more.不过我们以后可能会有一整代的人,在麦当劳在肯德基工作,即便他们有很好的天赋。

9.You know what I mean? A cock fighting but pke with dudes.你知道我的意思吗?就好像斗鸡但是是人和人之间的

10.I always think Asian dudes are always afraid to speak out in pubpc.我常常以为亚洲名流经常害怕在公众场合表达什么。