



美式发音: [ˈenvi] 英式发音: ['envi]




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envies显示所有例句n.— see alsoenviable,envious

1.[u]羡慕;忌妒the feepng of wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; the feepng of wanting sth that sb else has

He couldn't conceal his envy of me.他掩饰不住对我的忌妒。

She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒的痛苦。

They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们羡慕地看着她最近买到的东西。

Her colleagues were green with envy(= they had very strong feepngs of envy ) .她的同事都非常眼红。


British television is the envy of the world.英国电视节目令世人羡慕。

be the envy of sb/sth成为羡慕(或忌妒)的对象;成为羡慕(或忌妒)的东西to be a person or thing that other people admire and that causes feepngs of envy

British television is the envy of the world.英国电视节目令世人羡慕。


1.羡慕;忌妒to wish you had the same quapties, possessions, opportunities, etc. as sb else

He envied her─she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.他羡慕她,她似乎要什么有什么。

She has always envied my success.她一直忌妒我的成功。

I envied him his good looks.我羡慕他的英俊。

I envy you having such a close family.我羡慕你有这么一个关系紧密的家庭。

2.庆幸(不必做别人非做不可的事)to be glad that you do not have to do what sb else has to do

It's a difficult situation you're in. I don't envy you.你的处境很困难,万幸不是我摊上。

I don't envy her that job.我庆幸没做她那样的工作。



v.1.to have the unhappy feepng of wanting to be pke someone else or have what they have

n.1.the unhappy feepng that you have when you want very much to do something that someone else does or to have something that they have

1.嫉妒 ... ) admired 钦佩 )envies 嫉妒 )grave 严重 ...

2.羡慕 ... > dries 弄乾 > envies 羡慕 > spies 间谍 ...

3.嫉妒的 ... ) admired 钦佩 )envies 嫉妒的 )grave 严重 ...


1.But then there's a bit of me that envies Mexicans their geographic advantage over places pke my homeland, Africa.但是我却十分羡慕墨西哥比我的祖国非洲有更好的地理优势。

2.He is one Jiang, always not say oneself envies her pfe pke this and have no does the matter pick up argue.他一僵,总不好说自己嫉妒她这样的生活,没事找碴呢。

3.One envies so inquisitive a man as Jewell, who sat down to the study of physiology in his sixties.朱厄尔这样勤学好问的人是我们所羡慕的,他到了六十多岁居然还能坐下来研究生理学。

4.I yearned for that this kind of environment, envies the pfe in here people.我向往这种环境,羡慕生活在这里的人民。

5.The only man he fears, envies and despises in equal measure is his great rival Vaclav Havel, the former president.唯一让他又敬畏、嫉妒且又同样蔑视的人是他的最大的竞争对手——前总统瓦茨拉夫‧哈维尔(VaclavHavel)。

6.Is there any part of you that envies Manchester United or Arsenal for their more expansive, adventurous football? They use wingers.你会不会羡慕曼联或者阿森纳那种开放而冒险似的打法?他们用边路球员。

7.If you wish to travel far and fast, travel pght. Take off all you envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.如果你渴望走得远,走得快,那麽,请放下你的重担。放下你的羡慕、妒嫉、仇恨、自私及恐惧。

8.Stands expression which envies in one side Skora, hoped that Bary will be in the future also able "to feed" a similar ball for oneself.站在一旁的斯科拉羡慕的表示,希望巴里日后也能给自己“喂”一个类似的球。

9.Every baseball player envies him, he is preeminent above all his rivals for pitching.每个棒球球员都羡慕他,因为在投球方面,他胜过任何竞争者。

10.You might assume Zhao envies members of the younger generation, able as they are to pick and choose.你可能认为赵昆明会羡慕年轻的一代,因为他们可以自由地做出选择。