


美式发音: ['dʌmpɪŋ] 英式发音: ['dʌmpɪŋ]






1.(尤指危险物质的)倾倒,倾卸the act or practice of dumping sth, especially dangerous substances

a ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea禁止向海里倾倒放射性废物



v.1.The present participle of dump

1.倾销 dummy variable 虚变量 dumping 倾销 dumping margin 倾销差价 ...

2.商品倾销 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 exchange dumping ...

3.倾倒 dull trading 交投呆滞 dumping 倾销;抛售 duplication of supervision 双重监管 ...

5.倾卸 duly authorized officer 正式获授权人员 dumping 倾卸;卸泥;弃置废物 dumping area 卸泥 …

6.反倾销 politics 政治; dumping (反)倾销 deficit 赤字; ...

7.转储 dump 转储 dumping 转储 dun number 催付号 ...

8.排泄 dump valve 放料阀;放浆阀 dumping 排泄 dumping device 卸料装置 ...


1.A dumping margin represents by how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price.倾销幅度指公平价格超出倾销价格的幅度。

2.The United States the number of anti-dumping complaint, the general and the status of its economy is strong associated.美国反倾销投诉的多少,一般与它的经济壮况是有关联的。

3.For instance, china has been trying to open up the south American markets, they met with strong anti-dumping retaliation.举例来说,中国一直在试图打开了南美市场,他们会见了强烈的反倾销报复。

4.The bin would be even fuller and fouler had the London dumping convention not been signed in 1972, but the sea is still hideously polluted.如果不是1972年签署伦敦倾倒协议,这个垃圾箱甚至将装得更满、更加污秽,但是海洋仍然被严重地污染着。

5.Call when ready to jettison fuel (when start dumping fuel), advise the account of fuel to be dumped.准备放油时(开始放油时)呼叫,请告放油油量。

6.Allegations of solar panel dumping have been made before in Europe and the U. S. , but they have never been proven.在欧洲和美国也有过对中国太阳能产品倾销的控诉,但是并没有得到证实。

7.The WTO on Friday said the Appellate Body upheld earlier findings that part of the EU's dumping rules were inconsistent with WTO rules.WTO上周五说,上诉机构维持原来的裁决,认为欧盟的部分反倾销规则与WTO规则不符。

8.Indeed, except for imposing a few modest anti-dumping penalties, his trade policy is indistinguishable from that of President George W.的确,除了实施几项影响不大的反倾销处罚,其贸易政策与乔治·W·布什总统(GeorgeW。

9.The company said it did not accept liability , but regretted any distress caused to the local population by the waste dumping.该公司称,他们不为此事承担责任,但是为垃圾倾倒事件为当地人民带来的苦恼表示遗憾。

10.The company had been dumping their waste into the sea, in defiance of government regulation.这家公司一直无视政府的规定,往海里倾倒垃圾。