


美式发音: ['sʌbˌnet] 英式发音: ['sʌbnet]





1.子网 subdirectory 子目录 subnet 子网 swap file 交换文件 ...

2.子网路 net list 网络表 subnet 子线网 objective function 目标函数 ...

4.网段 # 子网声明和掩码 subnet netmask htype 是硬件地址 …



1.Using a Frame Relay point-to-point subinterface, each pair of the point-to-point routers is on its own subnet.使用讯框中继的点对点子介面,每对路由器都是一个子集合。

2.The IP address is not the same as the IP address of the Windows cluster, but it must be in the same subnet as the Windows cluster.此IP地址与Windows群集的IP地址不同,但必须与Windows群集位于同一子网内。

3.If the subnet for that LAN adapter changed, it is necessary to determine if package-related subnet parameters must be updated as well.如果该LAN适配器的子网发生了更改,则必需确定是否还须更新与套装软件相关的子网参数。

4.You won't be able to "see" other people you want to meet with unless you are all on the same subnet.除非您和要会面的其他人位于同一子网中,否则您将无法“看见”他们。

5.Additionally , if you want to indicate a mask used to determine the subnet an IP address belongs to, you can do so on this page.此外,如果要指明用于确定IP地址所属的子网掩码,也可在该页面中完成。

6.When a certain distance between two subnet, often be a gateway into two halves, with a link between connected, we call half gateway.当两个子网之间有一定距离时,往往将一个网关分成两半,中间用一条链路连接起来,我们称之为半网关。

7.To understand how subnet masks are used to distinguish between hosts, networks, and subnetworks , examine an IP address in binary notation.要了解子网掩码如何用于区分不同的主机、网络和子网,请查看以二进制表示的IP地址。

8.Deploy the InfiniBand switch with an active subnet manager from the hardware management console, as shown in Listing 10.从硬件管理控制台使用一个活跃的子网管理器部署InfiniBand交换机,如清单10所示。

9.A matching network for the specified IP address could not be found. Please also specify a subnet mask and a cluster network .找不到指定的IP地址的匹配网络。请指定子网掩码和群集网络。

10.Verify that the primary address of the interface is in the same subnet as the primary address of the neighbor router.确认的次要地点的接心是正在统一个子网中的主地点的邻人路由器。