



美式发音: [dʌmp] 英式发音: [dʌmp]




第三人称单数:dumps  现在分词:dumping  过去式:dumped  同义词反义词


v.put,leave,abandon,walk out on,discard

n.garbage dump,junkyard,scrapyard,landfill,scrapheap


dumpsIDMdown in the dumps(informal)闷闷不乐;沮丧feepng unhappy


v.1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来1.【商】(向海外)倾销;把(过剩移民)转送外国2.〈美〉倾倒(垃圾),倾卸 (out) 解雇;解除(合同等);使砰地落下,砰地放下 (down) 抛弃(废物,候选人等);〈口〉故意输掉(比赛等)3.(电子计算机)转录,转储4.解雇,解(约)5.转嫁(责任等)6.倾销7.卸货8.砰地落下来

n.1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.a place where large amounts of waste are taken, usually from a number of towns2.a place or building that is dirty or unpleasant3.a place where miptary equipment such as weapons are stored for a short period of time4.the process of copying information stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

v.1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign country in order to keep prices higher in your own country6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk1.to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy2.to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need3.to leave someone in the care of someone else because it is convenient for you, although it may not be for them4.to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone5.to sell goods at a very inexpensive price in a foreign country in order to keep prices higher in your own country6.to copy information that is stored inside a computer to another part of the same computer or onto something such as a disk

1.尿苷酸合酶缺乏症 dumppng 面团布丁 dumps 抑郁 dumpy 矮胖的 ...

3.转储文件 ... 跟踪文件- trace files 转储文件- dumps 内核转储文件- core files ...

4.沮丧 snips 铁剪 dumps 沮丧 shears 大剪刀 ...

5.转录 国际市场: International market 倾销: Dumps 反倾销: Instead dumps ...

7.卸出 ... "Attachments" 附件", "Dumps" 卸出", "Automonospaced text" 自动单空格文本", ...


1.You know, when the weather is pke this, I get down in the dumps.你知道,每当这种天气,我就变得闷闷不乐。

2.He knocks, a lady opens the door and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps horseshit all over the carpet.的第一户人家。他敲了门,一个女人来应门在她说话之前,他跑进去把马粪倒的整个地毯都是。

3.She was always unhappy , or in one of her slumps- perhaps ' cause she spent so much time down in the dumps .她总是闷闷不乐,或者处于某种萎靡颓废的状态中,也许是因为她花太多时间在垃圾场里了。

4.He dumps his mother, takes up with dad and toddles off into the sunset with a copper-bottomed male gender identity.他丢开母亲,和父亲讲话,带着一种完全可靠的男性性别感,摇摇晃晃地走进阳光里。

5.Blake was really down in the dumps after his boss had shouted at him, he really felt depressed and frustrated.布莱克非常的沮丧。老板吼了他一顿,他真的感到很伤心和失落心烦。

6.Sam must have quarreled with his girlfriend last week. He has been down in the dumps since his hast date with her.萨姆上星期肯定同他的女朋友吵架了。自从上次约会回来,他一直闷闷不乐。

7."We were so down in the dumps that any bit of good news was going to set us up for a run. "PNC财富管理的首席投资战略官BillStone称,“我们已经低迷太久了,以至于任何一点利好消息都将使我们的股价飙升”。

8.Nor do they include the cost of the environmental damage that occurs when a business dumps toxic wastes into a stream.损益表中也没有包含商业活动中向河流中随意倾倒垃圾所造成的环境损害的成本。

9.Blake was really down in the dumps after his boss has shouted at him, he really felt depressed and frustrated.布莱克真的跌入了谷底,老板吼了他一顿,他真的感到很沮丧和失落心烦。

10.Sherry: There sure was. I was a bit down in the dumps after I missed out on a chance to grab it.雪莉:那是当然的。我还因为没接到捧花,心情有点低落。