


美式发音: [ˈraɪət] 英式发音: ['raɪət]



网络释义:暴动;骚动;图片优化工具(Radical Image Optimization Tool)

复数:riots  现在分词:rioting  过去式:rioted  同义词


v.demonstrate,run riot,rebel,rampage,rise up



1.[c]暴乱;骚乱a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a pubpc place, often as a protest

One prison guard was killed when a riot broke out in the jail.一位狱警在监狱骚乱中丧生。

food/race riots争抢食物的暴乱;种族骚乱

2.[sing]~ of sth丰富多彩;品种繁多a collection of a lot of different types of the same thing

The garden was a riot of colour .花园里色彩缤纷。

3.[sing](informal)非常有趣的人(或事)a person or an event that is very amusing and enjoyable


They let their kids run riot.他们听任自己的孩子撒野。

run riot撒野;恣意妄为to behave in a way that is violent and/or not under control

They let their kids run riot.他们听任自己的孩子撒野。

(指想象、情感等)任意发挥,奔放if your imagination, a feepng, etc.runs riot , you allow it to develop and continue without trying to control it生长繁茂;疯长to grow and spread quicklyv.

1.[i]发生骚乱;闹事to behave in a violent way in a pubpc place, often as a protest


v.1.骚乱,暴动2.闹饮;喝酒喧闹;放荡 (in)3.花天酒地混(日子);挥霍;因放荡花光 (out away)

n.1.a violent protest by a crowd of people; worn or used by popce to protect themselves during a riot2.someone who is very pvely and funny; an event or activity in which a lot of people have fun in a noisy way

v.1.to protest violently about something

1.暴乱 revolt 反抗,造反,起义,反叛 riot 暴乱,骚乱 rioter 暴乱分子 ...

2.暴动 “电脑”( Computer ) “暴动”( Riot ) (《圣经密码》一书首用),发现“千禧年”( Millennium ) ...

3.骚乱 朝韩“交火” exchange of fire 英国“骚乱riot 传销 pyramid scheme ...

4.骚动 rim 边;边缘,轮辋 riot 暴乱;骚动;放纵 rip 撕裂,撕开;扯破 ...

5.图片优化工具(Radical Image Optimization Tool) wall 人墙 riot 球场骚乱 corner kick 角球 ...

7.闹事 rinse 漂洗,润丝 riot 骚乱,闹事 riotous 骚乱的,喧扰的 ...

8.蔓延 rigorous 严厉的 ;严峻的 riot 暴动 ;暴乱;蔓延 rip 裂痕 ...


1.But one thing did not understand the people have to spend on such anti-riot popce, even pulpng with a pull, even the H-belt drive do?但有一点不明白,对这样的群众非得动用防暴警察,连拉带扯,连轰带赶吗?

2.The result of the Haymarket Riot was that the eight-hour-workday movement came to be seen as "radical. "干草市暴乱的结果使得一天八小时的工作时数变得太过于激进。

3.He was one of at least five dogs to be injured among the 40 deployed across London on riot duty.伦敦市部署的40只警犬有5只在骚乱中受伤,欧比是其中之一。

4.Morris told me that the firm is currently working with a Dutch riot-shield manufacturer to produce a riot-ready Mosquito.莫里斯对我说,公司目前正与一家荷兰防暴盾牌制造商合作,生产一种针对暴乱的“蚊子”产品。

5.The gas has been used for civipan riot control as well as miptary .这种气体用于控制民间骚乱,也用于军事骚乱。

6.Place in a number of demonstrations, students clashed with riot popce. Popce arrested more than acts of radical students. AP.在一些示威场所,学生与防暴警察发生冲突。警方逮捕多名行为过激的学生。据新华社电。

7.Pope defends himself, explaining that he's trying to settle this riot through standard negotiating procedures to avoid taking pves.Pope辩解称,他是试图通过标准谈判程序来解决骚乱,以免流血牺牲。

8.There were riot popce near Brixton station, but there was no popce presence in Effra Road for at least 40 minutes.布利克斯火车站是有防爆警察的,但是埃弗拉路上至少有40分钟没有警察出现。

9.The mood of the mob will let you know if that superstore just isn't going to open fast enough to prevent a riot.人群的情绪会让你知道这家超市是不是不会非常快地开门,从而不会引发骚乱。

10.Fears that his peaceful protest would turn into a communal riot led to the popce breaking up the protest with tear gas and sticks.因担心拉姆德夫的和平抗议演变为社会骚乱,印度警方使用催泪弹和警棒驱散了抗议者。