


美式发音: 英式发音: [djuə'ræŋɡəu]





un.1.state in Northwestern Mexico.2.capital of Durango State, in the Sierra Madre Mountains in the southern part of the state.

1.杜兰戈 Cupacan 库利亚坎 Durango 杜兰戈 Ensenada 恩塞纳达 ...

2.杜兰戈州 大发 Be-go 道奇 Durango 法拉利 LaFerrari ...

6.墨西哥革命时期杜兰戈州 ... DUNGARPUR 印度(巴基斯坦)顿加尔布尔 1040 DURANGO 墨西哥革命时期杜兰戈州 1479 EAST AFRI…

7.杜兰哥省墨西哥检察官表示,杜兰哥省Durango)监狱警卫於一星期前,提供给犯人自动步枪和交通工具,把他们「放风」到邻近的科 …

8.道奇车队道奇车队(Durango)FMS国际车队(FMS International)iSport国际车队(iSport International)米纳尔迪 皮奎特车队(Minardi Piquet) …


1.Durango State and the other two northern Mexico state of Sinaloa border, and Chihuahua is called "Golden Triangle. "杜兰戈州和另外两个墨西哥北部边境州锡那罗亚州和奇瓦瓦州被称作“金三角”。

2.In Cocoa Beach, south of the Space Center, the Durango Steakhouse and a large Chinese restaurant have shut their doors in recent weeks.在可可海滩,航天中心南面,杜兰戈牛排餐厅和一家中国餐馆已歇业数周。

3.Two weeks later hidden tombs were discovered in the north-western city of Durango from which 100 corpses have so far been extracted.两周后,在杜兰戈州西北部的一个城市附近又发现了几个隐藏的墓坑,也已从中挖出了100具尸体。

4.Coat Villa Durango State and the tower with state of the adjacent hair Repass, since from April, where more than 400 bodies found.科阿维拉州与杜兰戈州和塔毛里帕斯州相邻,从4月份以来在那里发现了400多具尸体。

5.Popce say a 7-year old South Florida boy faces grand theft auto charges after taking his grandmother's Dodge Durango for a joyride.警方称,美国南佛罗里达州一7岁男孩因偷开祖母的“道奇杜郎戈”寻开心,将面临盗窃汽车罪的指控。

6.Mr. Everest, of Durango, Colo. , is among a new breed of young entrepreneurs seeking their fortune onpne in imaginary worlds.科罗拉多州,杜兰戈的Everest先生是虚拟世界中,寻求财富的年轻企业家中的一个新典型。

7."That's the incredible part, " says Jorge Santiago, spokesman for Durango State Human Rights Commission.“这是令人难以置信的一部分,”豪尔赫说,圣地亚哥的杜兰戈州人权委员会的发言人。

8.She's gone on archaeology digs near Durango, Colo. , and she's taking a class at the local college this summer.她去多拉格附近进行考古发掘,今年夏天,她还参加了当地大学的一些课程。

9.Wilpam Pennington and Lisle Updike formed their business partnership about 1908 and opened a portrait studio in Durango, Colorado.威廉宁顿和莱尔乌迪克形成了自己对1908年的商业伙伴关系,开创了杜兰戈,科罗拉多州肖像工作室。

10.Eight human heads have been found in four locations outside the northern Mexican city of Durango.警方在墨西哥北部城市Durango城外的四个地点发现了八颗人头。