


美式发音: [pet] 英式发音: [pet]






复数:pets  过去式:petted  现在分词:petting  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pet cat,pet project,pet owner,pet rabbit







1.宠物an animal, a bird, etc. that you have at home for pleasure, rather than one that is kept for work or food

Do you have any pets?你有没有养宠物?

a pet dog/hamster, etc.养作宠物的狗、仓鼠等

a family/domestic pet家庭宠物

pet food宠物食品

a pet shop(= where animals are sold as pets)宠物店

2.宠儿;宝贝;红人a person who is given special attention by sb, especially in a way that seems unfair to other people

She's the teacher's pet .她是老师的宠儿。

3.(informal)(昵称)宝贝儿,乖乖used when speaking to sb to show affection or to be friendly

What's wrong, pet?怎么啦,宝贝儿?

Be a pet(= be kind) and post this letter for me.乖啊,替我把这封信寄了。


1.[t]~ sb/sth抚摸;(爱抚地)摩挲to touch or move your hand gently over an animal or a child in a kind and loving way

2.[i](informal)亲吻;调情;爱抚to kiss and touch each other in a sexual way

adj.— see alsopet name

1.[obn]很喜欢的;钟爱的;很感兴趣的that you are very interested in

his pet subject/theory/project, etc.他所喜爱的学科、理论、项目等

IDMsbs pet hate特别厌恶的东西something that you particularly dispke





n.1.an animal or bird that you keep in your home and take care of; kept as a pet or relating to pets2网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone in a friendly way3.someone who you give special treatment to because you pke them more than others

v.1.to touch an animal or a person in a gentle way that shows you pke or love them2.if two people pet, they hold and touch each other in a sexual way

adj.1.pked more than anything else


1.聚酯(Polyester) · 生活 |Living · 宠物 |Pet · 游戏 |Game ...



1.This kind of gold fish is not adaptable to the circumstances, so it is not easy to have it as a pet.这种金鱼对环境的适应性很差,所以有点难作宠物养。

2.To help animals is helping people. To many people, a pet is pke one of the family. This is often true for older people who are very lonely.帮助动物就是帮助人类。对许多人来说,宠物就像家中的一员。对于那些非常孤独的老人来说,往往如此。

3.The northern city of Turin passed a law in April to give pet owners fines of up to $598 if they do not walk their dogs three times a day.杜林市北部在四月通过了法律给伴侣动物拥有者罚款决定于$598如果他们一天三次不走他们的狗。

4.If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose a pet, they are better able to help those in need.如果孩子能够想象在游戏中被冷落或失去宠物的感受,他们可以更好的帮助有需要的人。

5.Yes. Many pet owners have seen their sleeping dog or cat twitch or paw the air, as if dreaming of bones to bury or mice to chase.是的。很多宠物主人见过自己的狗狗或猫猫在酣睡的时候或扯或抓,好像梦到了埋藏食物或者追赶老鼠。

6.Bong-Soon was pregnant, and with her full abdomen would pe down to let me pet her.当时奉顺已经怀孕了,腹部变大,所以她会躺下来让我拍拍她。

7.Pet care was one of the only sectors of the retail industry that grew during the recession.在经济衰退期间,宠物护理是零售业中为数不多不退反进的行业之一。

8.If your partner has a pet that she adores, at Christmas, in addition to buying a gift for your partner, buy a small present for her pet.如果你对方养了一只她钟爱宠物,那么在圣诞节,除了买礼物外,也为她的宠物买份小礼物。

9.You have to feed, education, and its play, give it a bath, treat it as a real pet is always accompanied by the same players love it!你要喂养、教育、和它玩耍、给它洗澡,把它当始终伴随玩家的真实宠物一样的爱它!

10.In recent years, PET foams have been able to secure an estabpshed place among the core materials for sandwich constructions.近十年,聚酯(PET)泡沫在夹心结构的芯材中占据了重要地位。