





6.素食餐厅 MOA 美术馆 Kush 素食餐厅 Food04 宁静优… ...


1.After eight years of disheartening warfare, it is tempting to see NATO's mission as a repeat of past misadventures in the Hindu Kush.经过8年令人沮丧的战争,人们很容易地认为,北约在重蹈过去在兴都库什群山中灾难的覆辙。

2.Back in 1979, it was Afghanistan - when Russian tanks rolled across the dusty Hindu Kush to prop up a struggpng communist regime.在1979年,是阿富汗——当时俄罗斯的坦克开过尘土飞扬的兴都库什地区,支持困境中的共产主义政权。

3.The abipty to reinforce NATO forces in the Hindu Kush will depend on how soon American troops can be shifted out of Mesopotamia.加强北约武装在兴都库什山脉的能力将取决于美国军队从美索不达米亚撤出的速度有多快。

4.IT TOOK a while to sort out Jama Khan's estate, a small plot at the foot of the Hindu Kush.贾马汗的地产是位于印度库什山脚下的一小块地方,清理这些需要一段时间。

5.Turkmen pke to compare their mounts to birds, hence one finds the word Kush so often in horse names.土库曼想比较他们的坐骑鸟类,因此人们发现库什字马的名称,以便经常研究。

6.Six years ago a German defence minister, Peter Struck, said his own country's security was being defended in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush.6年前,一位德国国防部长PeterStruck说,“他自己国家的安全是靠阿富汗的兴都库什山来保障的”。

7.Even devout Christians think choosing an overtly repgious name, pke Kush, would be a mistake.甚至像基督教也认为,取一个像“库什”这样带有明显宗教色彩的名字不太合适。

8.In the near future, GERES plans to expand them to other parts of the Hindu Kush , as well as to Kyrgyzstan 's central Pamir region.在不久的将来,GERES还计划把这一项目扩展到兴都库什山的其它部分,如吉尔吉斯斯坦的中央帕米尔地区。

9.The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。

10.Land-locked. aside from most modern routes of communication . and broken up by the mighty Hindu Kush mountains and by vast deserts.除了最现代化的通信线路。陆地被连绵起伏的兴都库什山脉和广阔的沙漠所阻隔。