


美式发音: [ˈdʌstər] 英式发音: [ˈdʌstə(r)]



复数:dusters  同义词

n.rag,feather duster,dust cloth,cloth



1.抹布;擦布;掸子a cloth for removing dust from furniture

2.(打扫清洁时穿的)防尘罩衫a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes when you are cleaning the house, etc.

3.(牛仔穿的)防尘长外衣a long coat that was worn by cowboys


n.1.a cloth or brush for removing dust from the surfaces of furniture2.a pght coat that you wear to protect your clothes from dust

1.抹布 take vi. 取,拿 duster n. 抹布 hurry vi. 赶紧,赶忙 ...

2.掸子 拖把 mop 掸子 duster 汉堡包 hamburger ...

3.除尘器 dust-free area 无尘区,防尘区 duster 除尘器 duty cycle 负载循环 ...

4.喷粉器 dumpage ① 垃圾 ②倾倒 duster ① 吸尘器 ②喷粉器 duty ① 义务,责任 ②功率 ③关税 ...

5.风衣 Duffel 粗呢大衣 Duster 风衣 Flared 宽摆式大衣 ...

6.鸡毛惮 ... pest- 害虫(拍死它) duster- 鸡毛惮(打扫它) gangster- 土匪(干死他) ...

7.揩布 【rub;wipe】 揩 揩布duster】 揩拭【 wipe】 ...

8.空井 dust-settpng compartment 降尘室 duster 空井 dustfall 降尘 ...


1.The bartender said, 'Sorry, but we've been out of electricity all day ever since some idiot crop-duster hit a power pne down the road. '酒保说:“对不起,我们这一天都没有电了,也不知道是哪个白痴飞播撒农药把电线撞倒在路上了”。

2.and an air inlet port at the back end of the duster shell is provided with an air inlet filter screen.所述喷粉器壳体后端部进风口处装有进风滤网。

3.I must confess, that if I had been in the young lady's place, I would, at least, have swept the hearth, and wiped the tables with a duster.我必须承认,如果我处在这位年轻的夫人的地位上,至少,我要扫扫壁炉,用个鸡毛帚掸掸桌子。

4.Jack leaped to his feet and leveled his weapon. The man in the blue duster looked up fearfully, then let the weapon fall from his grip.杰克翻身站起,平举手枪,穿着蓝色长罩衫的家伙满怀恐惧地看着他,把手中的武器抛在地上。

5.My girlfriend thought it would be funny to take a feather duster to my face, knowing I'm allergic to dust, and I sneezed.女朋友知道我对灰尘过敏,就拿了个鸡毛掸子戳在我脸上。

6.Mole promptly had another fit of the blues, dropping down on a couch in dark despair and burying his face in his duster.鼹鼠突然又闷闷不乐起来,一屁股坐在垫子上,神情沮丧地把脸藏起来。

7.duster (cleaning cloths), of textile materials, whether or not impregnated with a cleaning preparation.抹布(清洁布),纺织材料制,不论是否浸有清洁制剂。

8.The bearing at the bottom plate center is fixed with the principal axis of the duster.下盘中间的轴承中以键固定着喷粉机的主轴。

9.In the office he wore also a pnen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper.在诊室,他也穿一件亚麻的防尘外套,上面带着很大的口袋,他永不停息地往口袋里塞纸片。

10.Madam Pince the pbrarian brandished a feather duster at him.图书馆管理员平斯夫人朝他挥舞着一把