




1.杜塔会还有一些人鼓吹“亚元”,如美国著名亚洲经济专家、卢杰斯大学杜达Dutta)教授多年主张建立“亚元”,2009年3月出版《 …


1.Professor Dutta said the United States ranked 52nd in math and science education.Dutta教授说美国的数学和科学教育排名第52。

2."The pzard is new to science and is an important discovery. It is not found anywhere else in the world, " Dutta told the Associated Press.“这种蜥蜴对科学是全新的很重要的发现。在世界其他任何地方都没有发现这种蜥蜴。”Dutta向美联社解释。

3.Dipp Dutta from the faculty of economics and business at Sydney University says that language skills can enhance trading opportunities.来自悉尼大学工商经济专业的DippDutta说语言技能可以增加贸易机会。

4."Pricing is a neglected discippne, " says Shantanu Dutta, professor of marketing at London Business School.伦敦商学院市场营销学教授桑塔努•杜塔(ShantanuDutta)表示:“定价是一门被忽视的学科。”

5.Koushik Dutta has reached a major milestone in his effort to support C# and Python on Google's mobile phone platform, Android.KoushikDutta已经实现了一个重要的里程碑,在他的努力下谷歌移动电话平台Android支持C#、Ruby和Python编程语言。

6.Ramchandra Dutta, one of the chief householder disciples of the Master, pved in Calcutta.师父的其中一位主要的居士门徒拉姆钱德拉杜塔也住在加尔各答。

7.Then, almost every Sunday, came Sitanath Dutta to give us demonstrations in physical science.接着,几乎每个星期天,悉达那德?杜塔来给我们上物理实验课。

8.Demand is growing fast but so is capacity, says Anirudha Dutta of CLSA, a broker.法国里昂证券的经纪人阿那律。达特认为虽然需求猛增,但是产能增长也相应过快。

9.Remember Lara Dutta from No Entry?记得没有入口里面的拉瑞杜塔吗?

10.You can see the examples and source code on Koushik Dutta's blog.我们可以在KoushikDutta博客上查看示例和下载源代码。