


美式发音: [ˌdi: vi: 'ɑ:(r)] 英式发音: [ˌdi: vi: 'ɑ:(r)]

n.数字视频录像机(全写为 digital video recorder)

网络释义:硬盘录像机(DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER);数字硬盘录像机;数字录像机



1.数字视频录像机(全写为 digital video recorder)a device that records video onto a hard disk or other memory device, using digital technology (the abbreviation fordigital video recorder )


abbr.1.digital video recorder

1.硬盘录像机(DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER)题,特别是电压凹陷的最经济、有效的手段.首先介绍了动态电压恢复器(DVR)的功能、组成及其特点,然后就目前国内外有关DV…

5.数位录影机把数位录影机(DVR)电源拔掉重插看看 相关词: 发表评价: 正面 普通 负面 评价内容: 加入追踪 转寄朋友 友善列印

6.数位录放影机数位录放影机(DVR)因「TiVo」这个品牌而普及;TiVo是第一个能让使用者方便地运用「时间移转」功能处理影像的数位装置。 …


1.Sometimes I find that it's easy to treat my pfe much pke I treated television pre-DVR.有时我发现我可以像处理这些录像节目一样来对待我的生活。

2.I rewound it on my DVR and watched it again. I'm not sure exactly what he said, but he definitely dropped an F-bomb.我都倒了一遍带子,然后又重新看了一遍。我不是很清楚他说了什么,但是他肯定用F打头的话骂人了。

3.Then the grid inverter system is introduced, and a detailed analysis of the dynamic voltage regulator (DVR) method to voltage is presented.接着对并网逆变器系统进行了详细的介绍,然后对动态电压调压器(DVR)电压检测方法的进行分析比较。

4.Indeed, DVRs (also known as personal video recorders, or PVRs) may even have protected television and made it more conservative.事实上,DVR(也被称为个人视频录像机,或简称PVR)甚至可能保护了电视产业并让它变得更加保守。

5.Like any other DVR, you can program it to start recording at any time you want.与其他DVR一样,你可以在任何你想要录影的时候使用它。

6.Surgeons' experience and methods to assess proper screw placement may give a false sense of adequate final implant position after DVR.根据术者的经验及一些方法判定螺钉位置正确后,可能会给出一个错误的感觉,认为DVR操作后内植物最终的位置也会保持准确。

7.Viewers saw the first of these scenes this week in a presumed effort to thwart DVR-owners fast-forwarding through more conventional ads.观众在本周看到了其中的第一个:画面假装阻止别人用数码录像机快进播放更多传统广告。

8.As prices fell and cable and satelpte firms began to bundle DVRs with other services, their popularity soared.随着价格的下降以及有线电视和卫星广播公司开始把DVR和其他服务捆绑销售,它们的普及程度直线上升。

9.Before DVR, you had to watch your show at the time it was on, or you had to miss your show.在DVR出现之前,你只能在播放时看到自己想看的节目,否则你不得不错过心仪的节目。

10.If I don't pare down the DVR or reading pile soon, it will only grow ever-larger.如果不尽快清理DVR或者那些书,只会越来越庞大。