


美式发音: [ˈɪrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɪərɪŋ]






1.耳环;耳饰a piece of jewellery that you fasten in or on your ear

a pair of earrings一对耳环


n.1.a piece of jewelry that you wear on your ear

1.耳环 silly 愚蠢的 earring 耳环 instead of 代替 ...

2.耳饰 项链 Necklace 耳饰 Earring 戒指 Ring ...

3.耳钉 Earring 耳夹(无耳洞) Earring 耳钉(有耳洞) Brooch 胸针 ...

4.耳坠 D:Dangerous 危险 E:Earring 耳坠 F:Fire 火焰 ...

5.耳环的 brooch (胸,领)针的 earring 耳环的 necklace 项链的 ...

6.耳钉耳环 ·精品女戒 W&Diamond ring ·耳钉耳环 Earring ·经典男戒 M&Diamond ring ...

7.耳环耳钉 戒指指环 Ring 耳环耳钉 Earring 手链手镯 Bracelets ...

8.耳饰区 胸针/肩章 brooch.. 耳饰区 Earring .. 戒指区 Ring ...


1.Mrs Fpnders: Paint me with diamond earring, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant.福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。

2.Except for a shaved head and a hoop earring, the Happy Buddha and I could have been brothers.除了光秃秃的头发和一副铁环状的耳环,弥勒佛和我看上去简直是双胞胎哥俩。

3.'I bet as a teenager you hung out with a nice boy with an earring, ' he said.他说,我敢说你在十几岁的时候曾经和一个戴耳环的棒小子约会过。

4.Can I take a look of that pair of earring?让我看看那对耳环可以吗?

5.In a statement released Monday, the AntiquitiesAuthority said the earring was "astonishingly well-preserved. "在星期一发布的一份声明上,文物局认为这耳环“异乎寻常地保存完好。”

6.Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a pstening ear.智慧人的劝戒,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环和精金的妆饰。

7.And that makes sense: ultimately, art is about our emotional reaction to a Starry Night or a Girl With A Pearl Earring.于是:艺术最终是关于人类情感对事物的反应,如闪耀的夜空,戴着珍珠耳环的女孩。

8.And he said, "I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder. "基甸又对他们说:“我有一件事求你们,请你们各人将所夺的耳环给我。”

9.The Girl With a Pearl Earring is considered as one of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece and as a major painting of the 17th century.《戴珍珠耳环的少女》被公认为约翰内斯·维米尔的代表作之一,也是17世纪的一幅重要油画作品。

10.Archaeologistscame upon the earring in a corner while excavating the ruins of the building under a parking lot.本-阿米说,考古学家们在挖掘停车场下面的建筑物废墟时,在一个角落里遇见了耳环。