


美式发音: [ˈwerˌhaʊs] 英式发音: [ˈweə(r)ˌhaʊs]




复数:warehouses  同义词

n.granary,barn,silo,grain elevator,storeroom



1.仓库;货栈;货仓a building where large quantities of goods are stored, especially before they are sent to shops/stores to be sold



n.1.a big building where large amounts of goods are stored

1.仓库 trademark 注册商标 20. warehouse 仓库;货价;大商店 六、 Business Meeting & Negotiation 商务会议及 …

2.货栈 wage freeze n. 工资冻结 warehouse n. 仓库,货栈 wealth n. 财富,资源 ...

3.货仓 variation n. 变化,变动 warehouse n. 货仓 way n. 方式 六级核心形容词 ...

4.库房 控制程序 control procedure 库房 warehouse 理化 physical and chemical ...

5.仓储 赫哲部落 - hezhebuluo 9号仓库 - Warehouse9 凯迪保罗 - kaidibaoluo ...

7.仓库档案 VouchType 单据类型表 Warehouse 仓库档案 PU_LeftSum " 采购余额一览表 ...


1.Each warehouse reports back to the retailer which portion (if any) of the customer order it was able to fulfil.每个仓库把它能完成客户定单的哪个部分(如果有)的报告返回给零售商。

2.I turned the corner of a warehouse, and my own shadow stretched out in front of me.我在一个仓库转了弯,我的影子在我的面前伸展开来。

3.The warehouse ensure that all materials kept are being recorded and the inventory pst would be kept for a year.求高手帮翻译下:1、仓库确保所有库存物料都有记录,并保留记录一年。

4.A stove rusting in a warehouse and one carted out the door by a customer use up the same amount of raw materials.仓库里生锈的炉灶和顾客买走的炉灶原材料的用量都是一样的。

5.I'm convinced it was that morning at the warehouse that pushed me to take on the presidency of Chrysler only a couple of weeks later.我深信,就是那天早上在仓库的遭遇促使我在不到几个星期之后就接受担任了克莱斯勒汽车公司总裁一职。

6.The time that is required to complete processing depends on how much data is in the warehouse.完成处理所需的时间取决于仓库中的数据量。

7.All thats left are the cans being packaged into to boxes and shelved in our warehouse ready to be ordered.所有的多数民众赞成在左边的是罐被包装成盒和搁置对我们的仓库随时可命令。

8.The officials, he said, had a direct responsibipty over the running of the warehouse next to the day - care center where the fire started.他说,这七名官员对发生大火的幼儿园隔壁的仓库负有直接责任。

9.Historically, the bank note is the overwhelmingly dominant form of warehouse receipt.在历史上,银行券是占绝对统治地位的票据形式。

10.Once he saw a soldier who guarded the warehouse put a piece of copper coin into his own pocket as he was leaving the warehouse.一天,他看见一个当差的人,慌慌张张地从仓库里出来,边走还边往衣袋里塞进了什么东西。