



美式发音: [ˈɜrθˌkweɪk] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)θˌkweɪk]



复数:earthquakes  同义词




n.1.a sudden shaking movement of the ground

1.地震 财富与健康- Wealth and Health 地震- Earthquakes 不同的生活方式 Styles of Living ...

2.地震时的声音 "2352011","水文学",3," Hydrology" "2352014","地震导论",3," Earthquakes" ...

4.地震信息 ... 天气预报 iWeather Complete Pro 地震监测 Earthquakes 中国气象频道 ChinaWeather ...

6.地震队上周六,银河队对战圣荷西地震队(Earthquakes)一役,碧咸对着已经倒在地上的地震队中场克朗宁(Sam Cronin),把皮球踢过 …

7.圣荷西地震  圣荷西地震(Earthquakes)前锋万多洛夫斯基(Chris Wondolowski,左上,美联社)以本季踢进27球的成绩入选年度MVP,并且该 …


1.Many scientists are trying to predict earthquakes, but these predictions are very uncertain.许多科学家试图预测地震,但是其预测非常不准确。

2.So a run of earthquakes that by chance hit populated places makes it look as though the rate has increased, even if it hasn't.因此,一系列地震碰巧发生在人口稠密地区,令人们觉得地震好像更加频繁了,但事实并非如此。

3.As a result of the movement of these plates, west America near the sea has always been a bad place for earthquakes.由于这些板块的移动,靠近海洋的美国西部一直是地震频繁的地区。

4.Until now we have been working in the dark, with the only observables being the earthquakes themselves.直到现在我们一直在黑暗中工作,唯一的观察对象仅是地震本身。

5.Natural earthquakes of a similar intensity occur in the Middle East region about once a week, without the pubpc feepng them.天然地震有类似强度在中东地区发生,约每星期一次,没有公众感到它们。

6.Indonesia is in a very active seismic zone, also, but by virtue of it's larger size than Japan, it has more total earthquakes.印度尼西亚也在一个非常活跃的地震带上,但是由于它面积比日本大,所以总的地震次数要比日本多。

7.There was no prediction for this earthquake, and therefore no warning. Hope in the accurate predictabipty of earthquakes evaporated.因为这场地震没有任何预报,因此也没有警告,想要准确预测地震的希望成为泡影。

8.to stay in the house or to try the open air. There were earthquakes and a rain of burning rocks was coming down.他们讨论怎么办:是呆在房子里还是出去。当时还有地震,同时,炙热的岩石像雨点一样流下了。

9.The Japanese reactors seem to have survived one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded without major structural damage.日本核反应堆可能是有记载以来最强烈地震中主要结构没有遭到破坏的幸存建筑。

10.seismicity gap theory seems to be appped to small earthquakes occurring inland .这个地震空白区的理论似乎也适用于内陆发生的较小地震。