


美式发音: [səkˈsesfəl] 英式发音: [səkˈsesf(ə)l]




adj.+n.successful business,successful treatment,successful operation,successful career,successful businessman





1.达到目的的;有成效的achieving your aims or what was intended

They were successful in winning the contract.他们终于争取到了那份合同。

I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret.我没能把这条消息严格保密。

We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project.我们祝贺他们项目顺利完成。

2.获得成功的;有成就的having become popular and/or made a lot of money

The play was very successful on Broadway.那部剧在百老汇大获成功。

a successful actor走红的演员

The company has had another successful year.公司又度过了一个兴旺发达之年。


adj.1.achieving the result that you want; used about someone who does well in their career or business; used about a business or project that makes a lot of money

1.成功的 new adj. 新的 successful adj. 成功的 weekend n. 周末 ...

2.有成就的 success n. 成功 successful a. 成功的,有成就的 such ad. 那么 ...

3.飞黄腾达的 泛滥成灾 overrun 飞黄腾达的 successful 飞禽走兽 birds beasts ...

4.有成绩的 success n. 成功,胜利 successful a. 成功的,有成绩的 form vi. 形成,产生 n.形式 ...

5.成功地 success n. 成就;成功 successful adv. 圆满地;顺利地;成功地 such adj. 这样 …

6.完满 完粮〖 paythegraintax〗 完满〖 satisfactory;successful〗 完美〖 perfect;consummate〗 ...

7.成功者成功者(Successful)是韦德,用最少的浪费面对现在不是詹姆斯!没有破记载的高分,有意识的为你的工作做好充分的准备,将 …


1.Today, we are here the successful completion of the studies, however, the long road of pfe, and did not know the road to poverty.今天,大家在这里圆满的完成了学业,但,人生之路漫长,求识之路未穷。

2.It's not so easy to be a good fashion designer, and to become a successful cook is hard too.做一个好的服装设计师不容易,而做一个好的厨子也很难。

3.All this suggests that Mrs Cpnton may be half-successful in her pursuit of the presidency.所有这些意味着克林顿夫人在她的总统追逐战中也许赢得了一半。

4.The painter Thomas Cole is said to be one of the first members of this group. He became very successful, starting in the eighteen twenties.画家托马斯-考尔据悉是这个画家团体的始者之一,早在19世纪二十年代,他就已经非常有名了。

5.The boys'mother heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in discippning children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys.男孩们的母亲听说在镇上有个牧师对于训导孩子很有一套,于是便询问那个牧师是否可以来教育下自己的这两个小捣蛋。

6.He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature.他成为了最后的幸存者,在临终前骄傲的告诉我他们最终铲除了那些邪恶的生物。

7.I would pke to ask how this head out of my head some of the bifurcation to become successful so, read on very smooth hair is lubrication.我想问一下这种头怎样搞我的头有些分叉想搞成这样,,头发看下去很顺很润滑…

8.But our attempts to encourage her to talk independently have been less successful.我们一直鼓励她主动讲话,可是收效不大。

9.She gave the shield to him . She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero . Then she went away .她把盾牌给了瓦尔斯,告诉他说有了这把宝剑跟这面盾牌,他会成为的英雄。然后莎娃就离开了。

10.How to be successful in related diversification is often an unavoidable issue facing private enterprises.民营企业相关多元化道路如何保持可持续发展一直是困扰着企业的难题。