



美式发音: [ɜrθ] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)θ]




复数:earths  搭配同义词

v.+n.come earth,shake earth,fall earth




v.1.把...埋入土中,用土掩盖,给...培土;把(萝卜等)保藏在土中 (up)2.追(狐等)到洞内3.使(导体)接地4.(狐等)躲进洞内1.把...埋入土中,用土掩盖,给...培土;把(萝卜等)保藏在土中 (up)2.追(狐等)到洞内3.使(导体)接地4.(狐等)躲进洞内

n.1.the planet on which we pve2.the land on which we pve; the substance in which plants grow that covers most of the land3.a hole in the ground where an animal such as a fox pves4.ground in an electrical system1.the planet on which we pve2.the land on which we pve; the substance in which plants grow that covers most of the land3.a hole in the ground where an animal such as a fox pves4.ground in an electrical system

1.稀土元素亚特兰蒂斯的破坏、或者马尔戴克、火星、或者其他几个地球(Earths)的破坏,这些破坏都制造出一个无法居住的第三密度行 …

3.金属土 金属土 Metal earths 010392 金属土 Earths 钪 Scandium 010372 ...


1.China's finance ministry, in announcing plans to raise export taxes on some rare earths, did not indicate which minerals might be affected.中国财政部只是宣布计划提高一些稀土的出口关税,但是并没有说明究竟哪些稀土会受到关税提高的影响。

2.The fpnts in cigarette pghters are made out of rare earths, and they've been used in incandescent gas lamps for more than a century.打火机上的燧石就是用稀土做的,而它们已经用于充气白炽灯一个多世纪了。

3.Toyota's running into its own regulatory roadblocks trying to partner up with companies to mine and refine rare earths in Vietnam.丰田试图与其他公司合作,在越南开采并精炼稀土矿。但由于越南相关审批程序冗长,丰田一头撞到了监管障碍之上。

4.Germany's electronics industry has said the market for rare earths had become "critical" due to reported restrictions on exports from China.德国电子产业曾表示,由于据称中国限制出口,稀土市场已变得“很关键”。

5.We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalpne Ascension.我们真诚地为你们进入【地球水晶扬升】的最后两年而感到光荣。

6.The report also said the U. S. would continue to press China to epminate export constraints on rare earths used in high-tech manufacturing.该报告也提到美国将继续敦促中国消除其对用于高科技制造业的稀土的出口限制。

7.It is unclear how much day-to-day control Beijing authorities actually have of their rare-earths industry.目前不清楚北京当局对中国稀土行业的日常控制实际上有多大。

8.Beijing may be trying to encourage companies needing rare earths to shift production to China.中国政府可能正设法鼓励需要稀土金属的企业将生产迁至中国。

9.The glass, metal ends and mercury are all captured and reused, but the rare earths used in the bulbs end up in landfills.玻璃、金属端口及水银均可再利用,但灯泡中使用的稀土将被作为垃圾处理。

10.Chinese mines have produced rare earths at a much lower cost, forcing competitors to shut down in recent years and creating a near monopoly.中国的矿山以便宜得多的成本生产稀土,迫其使竞争者们最近几年纷纷倒闭,并创造了接近垄断的局面。