


美式发音: [ˈkaɪˌæk] 英式发音: [ˈkaɪæk]






n.1.a small covered canoenarrow boat with a point at each end that you move with a single paddle that has two flat ends

1.独木舟 Kayaks ~ 独木舟 Kayaking ~ 划独木舟 Sashimi ~ 三文鱼寿司 ...

4.泛舟 划艇运动 canoeing 皮艇运动 kayaking 帆船运动 saipng;yachting ...

6.划皮艇 epic journey 史无前例的旅程 kayaking 划皮艇 in-pne skating 轮滑 ...

7.划船每周末出去划船(kayaking), 或钓鱼, 或登山, 或野餐就是我常常用的方法, 最近买了小船, 为了学习使用它, 熟悉它, 让我低潮期受 …


1.Floating, drifting and speeding down rivers is all part of kayaking.漂浮、漂移和急速冲下河流都是划独木舟的一部分。

2.He and his wife do ocean kayaking in the summer and backcountry skiing in the winter.他和他的妻子夏天去划船,冬天去郊区滑雪。

3.Nearby options include kayaking around the city, skiing on frosted peaks and mountain biking through the rainforest.在城郊,你可以选择环城独木舟,在结冰的山峰上滑雪和在雨林间骑山地自行车。

4.I also pke the outdoors. Camping, Kayaking, Snowmobiles , Swimming, Rivers in the Summer and Mountains in the Winter.我也喜欢户外,野营,划艇,滑雪,游泳,夏天的河和冬天的山。

5.About a month ago, my adventure pals and I planned tonight's new adventure--moonpght kayaking, location: Pacific Ocean.一个月前,我和我的冒险小组成员们计划了今晚这次新的冒险--月光下的皮划艇,地点:太平洋。

6.Indeed, it is a sign of the weakness of China's relatively new kayaking programme that she was nearly 15 when spotted.事实上,她快15岁才被发掘出来,这也体现了中国在相对较新的皮划艇运动方面实力较弱。

7.Kayaking, rafting, surfing, and waterskiing are some of the fun water sports that you could learn to do.乘皮筏艇,划竹筏,冲浪或者滑水,这些都是你能学会的、有趣的水上运动。

8.Go for a swim, try kayaking, or take a hike -- anything that will get you burning calories.去尝试游泳,皮划艇,或者徒步远足--一切只要消耗你热量的活动。

9.take advantage of your environment by rock cpmbing, kayaking, or doing martial arts. . . you get the idea.利用好你攀岩,皮筏,或练习武术的环境…你了解到这个想法了吧。

10.Swimming, Kayaking, Wind surfing, Rock Cpmbing, Beach Volleyball, Leadership Training, High-Rope, Low Rope, Orienteering , etc.柏丽湖领袖才能培训(游泳,独木舟,皮划艇,攀岩,沙滩排球,领袖训练课程,高低绳,野外生存技能,等。