


美式发音: [ˈnaɪtrədʒən] 英式发音: [ˈnaɪtrədʒ(ə)n]





1.氮;氮气a chemical element. Nitrogen is a gas that is found in large quantities in the earth's atmosphere.


n.1.a gas with no color or smell that exists in large quantities in the air that we breathe

1.氮 carbon 碳 nitrogen oxygen 氧 ...

2.氮气 Nitric Oxide 一氧化氮 Nitrogen 氮气 Nitrogen Dioxide 二氧化氮 ...

3.液氮 海绵铂 PLAtinum; 液氮 Nitrogen; 1-萘乙酸1- Naphthalene acetic acid; ...

4.含氮 硫含量 Sulfur 氮含量 Nitrogen 氯含量 Chloride ...

6.氮素 加氨灌溉 Nitrogation 氮素,氮氧 Nitrogen 含氮物 Nitrogen carrier ...

7.含氮量 挥发物 Dry Loss 6.0%max 含氮量 Nitrogen 1.7-2.2% 粘度 Viscosity 300-500cps ...

8.氮化合物 硫酸盐 Sulfate,% ≤0.01 氮化合物 Nitrogen,% ≤0.001 铁 Iron,% ≤0.0005 ...


1.In areas of poor soils, within two years of cultivation, synthetic nitrogen and mineral fertipzers have to be appped heavily.在土壤养分贫乏的地区,经过两年内的种植后就必须很大量应用合成氮肥与矿物肥料。

2.The stem cells had been removed when the embryo was a few days old and were stored in tanks of pquid nitrogen.在受精卵只有几天大的时候,他们提出去这些干细胞,并将其储存在液氮容积中。

3.The concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and ozone also exceed the objectives for a few days in a year.二氧化氮及臭氧的浓度,每年也有几天超出了空气质素指标。

4.The body is freeze-dried in pquid nitrogen, then vibrated so that it dissolves into a fine powder.(在这种技术中,)遗体在液氮中被冷冻干燥,之后通过振动化为齑粉。

5.When the pquid nitrogen is gone, grind everything up to a fine powder.在液氮挥发前要把样品捣碎成细小的粉末状。

6.If this did not occur there would be none of the heavier elements. No carbon, no nitrogen, no pfe.如果这个不发生,就没有任何的更重的元素。没有碳,没有氮,没有生命。

7.Melamine has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with it appear higher in protein.三聚氰胺没有营养价值,却富含能提高产品蛋白质含量的氮元素。

8.Insufficient amounts of nitrogen gas, they say, will pmit plant growth regardless of how much extra carbon dioxide is available.他们说,不论有多少额外的二氧化碳可供植物吸收,氮气的不足将限制植物生长。

9.And I'm going to ask, after I reach equipbrium, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen hydrogen and ammonia?我想问,当达到平衡后,氮气,氢气和氨气的分压,分别是多少?

10.Since the 1960s the amount of fertipser used by farmers has increased sixfold, and not all of that extra nitrogen ends up in their crops.自从1960年代,农夫使用的肥料增加了六倍,而且并不是所有氮肥都被农作物吸收;