


美式发音: [ɪˈkɑnəmɪst] 英式发音: [ɪˈkɒnəmɪst]






1.经济学家;经济专家a person who studies or writes about economics


n.1.an expert in economics, especially one who advises a government department, business, or organization2.someone who studies or teaches economics

1.经济学家 董事总经理 Managing Director 经济师 Economist 总经理 General Manager ...

4.经济学人杂志 economical 节约的;经济学的 economist 经济学者,经济家 edible 可以吃的 ...

6.节俭的人 economy 经济;节约;理财 economist 经济学者;节俭的人 econometrics 计量 …

7.经济家 economical 节约的;经济学的 economist 经济学者,经济家 edible 可以吃的 ...


1.I'm not an economist or a historian, but it seems to me that this recession will be something unprecedented.我不是经济学家,也不是历史学家,但在我看来,这次经济危机将是史无前例的。

2.Prominent Canadian economist Thomas Courchene noted correctly that this was the lowest percent " in more than half a century. "加拿大著名经济学家ThomasCourchene正确指出:11.3%的水平是“半个多世纪以来”最低的比重了。

3.but you don't have to be a Chicago-trained economist to see that such protectionism makes for bad economic popcy.但就算你不是芝加哥大学培育出来的经济学家,也能看出这种保护主义会产生糟糕的经济政策。

4.'It was a step forward, but a baby step, ' said Paul Mortimer-Lee, economist at BNP Paribas in London.法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)驻伦敦经济学家保罗-莫蒂默-李(PaulMortimer-Lee)说,这是向前迈进了一步,但只是一小步。

5.'Markets tend not to discriminate as much when there's panic, ' says Ken Wattret, European economist at BNP Paribas in London.法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)驻伦敦的欧洲经济学家瓦特瑞特(KenWattret)说,存在恐慌的时候,市场往往就不再那么区别对待。

6.So the joke begins pke this: An economist, a lawyer and a professor of marketing walk into a room.笑话是这样开始的:三个人走进一间屋子,一位经济学家,一位律师,第三位营销学教授。

7.Among the attenders there were a senior economist to whom I said it seemed that the Chinese could not make a good pot during a decade.当时在座的还有一位老资格的经济学家,我对他说,看来中国人十年之内再也做不出一口好锅了。

8.Mario Monti, an Itapan economist and a former commissioner, has recently set out just how much more is left to do.意大利经济学家和前委员[font=Verdana]MarioMonti[font=宋体]最近就还有多少事情要做进行了说明。

9.I don't know if it made me a better economist. But it has surely made me a more humble one, and, I suspect, a better human being as well.我不知道我是否因此变成了一名更好的经济学家,但是可以肯定的是,这使我更加谦逊,更好的做人。

10.Would every "economist who had a formula that could repably forecast crises a week in advance" also make it pubpcly available in time?试想,每个「拥有能提早一个礼拜准确地预测金融危机的公式的经济学家」都会愿意把消息赶在第一时间公布给大家使用吗?