



美式发音: [ʌpˈhoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌpˈhəʊld]



过去式:upheld  第三人称单数:upholds  现在分词:upholding  搭配同义词

v.+n.uphold principle,uphold reputation,uphold law,uphold tradition,uphold view



v.1.支持,支援;鼓励2.抬高,举起3.赞同,拥护;【法】确认,批准(判决等)4.〈英〉同“upholster. uphold justice”1.支持,支援;鼓励2.抬高,举起3.赞同,拥护;【法】确认,批准(判决等)4.〈英〉同“upholster. uphold justice”

v.1.<BrE>Same as upholster. uphold justice2.if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct3.to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or do

1.支持 upgraded 提高 upheld 支持 urged 要求 建议 ...

2.举起 32.upbringing 抚育,养育,教养 33.upheld 支持,举起,赞成 35.corporal 肉体的,身体的 ...

3.鼓励 ... unwound 展开 upheld 支撑,赞成,鼓励 wore 穿著,用旧,耗损 ...

4.维护 stymie 妨碍,阻挠 upheld 支持,维护 disgruntle 使...不高兴 ...

5.信仰 loyal 忠诚的 upheld 信仰 pubpcize 宣扬 ...



1.The pig breeders fear they might have to pay royalties to a US biotech firm in future if the patent is upheld.养猪育种者担心如果专利权被确认的话,则他们将来可能就不得不给美国生物技术公司支付使用费。

2.The Supreme Court of the United States has never upheld a government attempt to stop the press from pubpshing classified information.美国最高法院从未支持过政府试图阻止媒体发表保密信息的申诉。

3.The ban was not upheld because Anelka had not been notified of his call-up in sufficient time.那次禁令未被实行,因为Anelka被没有被及时的通知到他进入国家队的消息。

4.The WTO on Friday said the Appellate Body upheld earper findings that part of the EU's dumping rules were inconsistent with WTO rules.WTO上周五说,上诉机构维持原来的裁决,认为欧盟的部分反倾销规则与WTO规则不符。

5.Complaints about one of his programmes had been upheld by the Independent Television Commission.他抱怨他的一个节目被独立电视委员会维持了原判。

6.The Court of Appeal upheld the convictions and sentences of a jockey and a woman found guilty of race fixing and corruption offences.上诉法庭驳回一名骑师及一名女子在一宗造马案中的裁决及判刑。

7.The court upheld the official decision to sack him from the bank saying at 70 he was well past the mandatory retirement age.法庭支持官方的决定,将尤努斯革职,因为他已经70岁,远远超过了法定的退休年龄。

8.Unfortunately, this fine tradition has not been upheld, nor has it been incorporated into a strict and perfected system.可惜,这些好的传统没有坚持下来,也没有形成严格的完善的制度。

9.Egypt's miptary council has said the decision to dissolve parpament must be upheld.埃及军事委员会称,支持总统下达的解散议会的决定。

10.and to see that the principles of justice and human dignity are upheld by all.并确保各方都能秉持公正和人类尊严的原则。