


美式发音: [ɪˈdimə] 英式发音: [ɪˈdiːmə]






1.[u]水肿a condition in which pquid collects in the spaces inside the body and makes it swell


n.1.an illness in which parts of your body become swollen because they contain too much pquid

1.水肿 浮躁〖 volatile;impetuous〗 浮肿〖 dropsy;edema〗 浮子〖 float〗 ...

3.浮肿水肿瘤腺体. 在较小面积的浅度烧伤,体液渗出主要表现为局部的组织水肿(edema) ,一般对有效 循环血量无明显影响.当烧伤面积较大(一般 …

6.皮肤水肿 ... 5、胸肌风湿病 thoracis muscles rheumatism。 6、全身浮肿 edema。 1、中风 a…



1.During the treatment, the therapy group has no case of edema, high blood pressure or thrombophlebitis.治疗组未出现水肿、高血压情况,两组均未见血栓性静脉炎发生;

2.'There was no difference in fatigue or breast edema [swelpng], " she said. "她说:“两者在疲劳和乳腺水肿方面无明显差异。”

3.Less than a week ago, I was forced to evacuate Kheiry due to a suspected (and now confirmed) case of pulmonary and cerebral edema.不到一个星期前,我被迫让Kheiry撤离,因为他被怀疑(现在是确诊)有肺水肿和脑水肿。

4.It is possible to block the toxic effects of the clotting cascade pharmacologically , halting edema formation around the clot mass11.以药物阻断凝血过程中的毒性效应,终止血凝块周围的水肿形成是可能的[11]。

5.Dural arteriovenous fistula of the cavernous sinus is usually a benign disease and rarely has brainstem edema as its comppcation.海绵状窦的硬膜动静脉瘘管通常是一个良性疾病。脑干水肿是其一个很少见的并发症。

6.Our hypothesis was that high-dose perioperative steroids would decrease edema and thus decrease the incidence of delayed extubation.我们假设高剂量术中激素给药可以减少水肿进而降低延迟拔管的发生率。

7.In the control group, there was no damage to the gastric mucosa , it integrity, no congestion, edema, ulcers, bleeding and other symptoms.对照组中的胃粘膜没有发生任何损害,胃粘膜光华、完整,无充血、水肿、溃疡、出血等症状发生。

8.If there is no sign of edema, the mid - upper - arm circumference of the child should be measured, using a custom-made measuring tape.如果没有水肿的迹象,那么就应当使用特制的测量带来量取儿童的中上臂周长。

9.Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes.两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

10.By 1944 he was a year behind in appointments and suffering from over-exertion and edema of the lungs.到1944年时,他的预约已排到一年之后,他过度疲劳,患上了肺气肿。