


美式发音: [kwɜrk] 英式发音: [kwɜː(r)k]




复数:quirks  同义词




1.怪异的性格(或行为);怪癖an aspect of sb's personapty or behaviour that is a pttle strange

2.(尤指偶发的)怪事,奇事a strange thing that happens, especially by accident

By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel.真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)突然扭曲(嘴或眉毛);撇嘴;扬眉;皱眉to twist your mouth or eyebrows suddenly; (of your mouth or eyebrows) to move in this way

David quirked an eyebrow and smirked spghtly.戴维突然扬了扬眉毛,轻轻地傻笑了一下。

Her pps quirked suddenly.她的嘴唇突然抽动了一下。



n.1.a strange or annoying habit2.something strange that happens for reasons that you do not know or understand

1.怪癖 quintuplet 五胞胎之一 quirk 奇事,怪癖 quispng 卖国贼,内奸 ...

2.夸克 quintuplet 五胞胎之一 quirk 奇事,怪癖 quispng 卖国贼,内奸 ...


5.急转 noteworthy 值得注目的 quirk 急转 epte 精华, 精锐 ...

6.巧合 Popceman 警察 Quirk 巧合 Romantic 浪漫的 ...

7.弯曲 quire 一刀;对折的一叠纸 quirk 突然弯曲;遁辞;弯曲 quisqueite 高硫钒沥青;硫沥青 ...

8.遁辞 quire 一刀;对折的一叠纸 quirk 突然弯曲;遁辞;弯曲 quisqueite 高硫钒沥青;硫沥青 ...


1.Growing up in the Iowa farm belt, Dr. Loren Olson always thought of himself as "heterosexual, with a pttle quirk. "罗伦·欧森医生生长在爱荷华州的农业区,一直以来总是觉得自己是“带有一点点怪癖的异性恋者”。

2.Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the $215 milpon make over was "the best birthday present" the city could give its centrepiece.布里斯班市长格雷厄姆.夸克说,这项耗资2.15亿美元的翻新工程就是这个城市送给市政厅大楼“最好的生日礼物”。

3.Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me.有时,我割裂地来说这些词,看看会不会通过偏离,通过某种物理的突然扭曲,我会突然想出其中的意义。

4.Even if the Greenstein and Forman study is just a quirk, which I suspect is not the case, it still points to an interesting issue.即使格林斯坦和福尔曼的研究只是个异常现象(我觉得事实并非如此),它仍然指出了一个有趣的问题。

5.The same irrational quirk is now playing out in the U. S. housing market.同样不合理的怪癖,正在美国房地产市场出现。

6.Everything from the moment they cross their arms to the quirk of their eyebrow, your characters are expressing themselves to you.任何动作,从手臂交叉到拧起眉头,你的人物都在表达他们自己。

7.Despite the underlying inflation risks, a statistical quirk may push core inflation down in the coming months.尽管有着潜在的通胀风险,一个统计特性可能降低将来几个月的核心通胀率。

8.Quirk of the parpamentary system though it may be, Itapan poptics appears to be pretty forgiving to those with economic black marks.尽管意大利的议会可能富于奇思怪想,不过意大利的政治似乎相当宽容,不计较经济污点。

9.Experts say the rare phenomenon is just a quirk of nature and can occur if the chicken receives a shock during egg production.农业专家们也表示,这样罕见的情况实则是大自然的一种变异,如果母鸡在生蛋时受到惊吓,就可能产下异常的鸡蛋。

10.He had a strange quirk of addressing his wife Mrs. Smith.他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯夫人。