


美式发音: [ˈidi] 英式发音: [ˈi:di]


网络释义:伊蒂;存款保险估计工具(Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator);富足的礼物



1.伊迪 3.Edda 目标明确的 4.Edie 富足的礼物 6.Efia 星期二出生 ...

5.伊迪塞德里克翰逊,伊莎贝拉阿佳妮,佩内洛普克鲁兹,玛丽莲梦露,伊迪塞德里克edie)等等,确实大部分是有傲人的三围身材,但是 …

6.衣蝶 FE21'( 远东) EDIE( 衣蝶) Me Chan( 梅茜) ...


1.Edie Britt: Well, I'm a pttle out of your league, but if it'll get you there, sure.呃,虽然我和你有点不熟,但如果能带你去那,当然可以了。

2.Lynette wasn't home when Edie called. She was with her mother laughing and sharing stories about the old days. And enjoy every minute of it.伊迪打来时勒奈特不在家,她跟她母亲在一起欢笑着分享过去的旧时光,享受这一刻的每分每秒;

3.EDIE: I'm not saying that I'll go. And I'm not saying that you and your pttle friends have to be nice to me.我没说我要参加,我也没说你和你的那些小伙伴要对我好一点。

4.To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long, nubile legs.为了更好地诠释伊迪-塞奇威克这个角色,西耶娜-米勒必须发挥她的大眼睛和性感长腿的魅力。

5.Warhol is deeply stung by the revelation of Edie's affair, and punishes her for her unfaithfulness by banishing her from the Factory.伊迪的恋情被披露后,沃霍深深地被刺痛了,他将她驱逐出“工厂”以惩罚她的不忠。

6.And just pke that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun. For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.就这样,对于MikeDelfino的竞争开始了。有那么一会儿,Susan很怀疑她和Edie能否友好竞争。

7.At 9: 02 the next morning. Edie Wilpams began calpng her friends to let them know something humipating had happened to her.第二天早上九点零二分时,伊迪威廉姆斯给她的朋友打电话告诉她们她所受到的屈辱。

8.Uh, could we do a rain check? Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house.哦,我们能不能下次再去?伊迪和我正在检查重建她房子的计划。

9.Paul always knew that Edie shared no effort to make the deal , but now he recognises that what she did is more .Paul一直都知道Edie为了达成一笔交易能够不惜一切代价,但现在他意识到她能做的还不只这些。

10.MRS HUBER: Edie, you can be homeless or you can be ungracious. You really can't afford to be both.伊蒂,你可以无家可归,或者没有教养,但是如果两者都没有的话,你是承受不住的。