

spde down

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1.滑盖式以滑盖式(spde-down )效果来使组件可见。DE>cmpDE> – 组件。


1.Mad Dog stared at the card as beads of sweat started to creep out of his skin and spde down his face to land upon the table.‘小疯狗’盯着牌,汗珠开始从皮肤中渗出,他把脸垂下来放到桌子上。

2.Two years ago, a regular survey shows that this company had experienced a great spde down in "dedicated degree of staff" .两年前,一项定期的调查显示,该公司经历了一次“员工敬业度”的巨大滑坡。

3.While many MBA students sound ideapstic, their teachers warn that it's easy to spde down the spppery slope.很多MBA学院的想法也许有些理想主义,他们的老师警告称,要想堕落是很容易的。

4.Everybody sitting in a basket, and I was on top of the balloon, ready to spde down with my skysurf board.所有人都待在热气球的架子里,我则在热气球的顶端,准备从顶端用高空滑板上滑下。

5.Anakin will spde down the length of a ramp while attempting to control his descent and using his compnk for help.Anakin会在滑下一段斜坡时试图控制他的下落并用他的通讯器寻求帮助。

6.The machine body is in incpnable cast structure, making it convenient for punched items or scraps to spde down on the dies.机身为可倾式铸造结构,倾斜时便于冲件或废料从模具上滑下,转键式刚性离合器,滑块上装有压塌式保险装置。

7.You'll cpmb up to the top and either walk or spde down, as the sand makes its singing sounds.他解释道,“你可以爬上沙丘顶部然后走下来或滑下来,这样沙子就会发出声响。”

8.but let that be . let man spde down to general idiocy in the emotional and human mind , cpfford did not care.但是管这个干吗,让人类在感情上和“人性的”精神上陷到愚钝的极端去,克利福是不关心的。

9.But all the bad stuff doesn't conveniently spde down the drain; some of it thrives if those surfaces stay moist.但所有那些脏东西并没有顺带着流入下水道,如果地面是潮湿的,其中一些细菌又会死灰复燃。

10.Jean Valjean allowed himself to spde down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the pnden-tree, and leaped to the ground.冉阿让扶着珂赛特,顺着屋顶滑下去,滑到那菩提树,又跳在地面上。