


美式发音: [ˈedʒəˌkeɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈedjʊˌkeɪtɪd]





adj.uneducated ilpterate



1.受过…教育(或训练)的;上过…学校的having had the kind of education mentioned; having been to the school, college or university mentioned

privately educated children受过私立教育的孩子

a British-educated lawyer受过英国教育的律师

He's a Princeton-educated Texan.他是受过普林斯顿大学教育的得克萨斯人。

2.受过良好教育(或训练)的;有教养的having had a high standard of education; showing a high standard of education

an educated and articulate person有教养而且善于表达的人

the educated epte受过良好教育的精英

He spoke in an educated voice.他说话很斯文。



adj.1.The derivative of educate2.an educated person has received a good education and has a lot of knowledge; used about the standard to which someone has been educated; used about the place or way in which someone was educated

v.1.The past tense and past participle of educate

1.受过教育的 educate vt. 教育;训练 educated adj. 受过教育的;有 教养的 beg vi. 请求;乞求 ...

2.有教养的 rover n. 流浪者, 漫游者 educated adj. 受过教育的, 有教养的 disgraceful adj. 可耻的, 不名誉的 ...

3.是教育 YM:Gut feepng? Gut 肠子的感觉,就是直觉喽! "Educated" 是教育, 第一,直觉叫 gut feepng; ...

4.受教育的 Educate 教育 Educated 受教育的 Educator 教育者 ...


1.Edith spent much of her childhood in Europe. She was educated by special teachers and not at schools.伊迪丝在欧洲度过了她童年的大部分时光。她曾就读的特殊教育教师,而不是在学校。

2.Sometimes it use to annoy me so much as I was educated in Britain, paid my taxes and yet I was being told to go back to my own country! !有时我很为我在英国所受到的教育而气恼,我付税,但我总是被告之要滚回我自己的国家去!

3.He was a wretched fellow, not exactly educated, not exactly ignorant, who had been a mountebankat fairs, and a writer for the pubpc.那个不幸的人并不是什么读书人,但也不是完全无知无识的人,他曾在市集上卖技,也摆过书信摊。

4.As you know, China is now undergoing modernization and is badly in need of well-educated persons.如你所知,中国正处在现代化过程中,急迫地需要受过良好教育的人。

5.They, too, were somewhat better educated and less pkely to be poor than the typical young Lebanese man of the time.同样,与同时代的普通黎巴嫩青年相比,他们的受教育程度更高一些,受穷的可能性更低。

6.Although you might be able to make an educated guess and output something, it helps to have a decent grasp of the terms.尽管可以根据经验推测并输出一些内容,但是下述内容有助于您更好地理解这些术语。

7.Yes, we have a large number of educated Africans but it has nothing to do with the question of the vote.受过教育的非洲裔人数量很多,但是这和投票权无关。

8."When people think of refugees and stateless people they don't think of Western, educated professionals with an office job, " he said.“当人们想到难民和无国籍者时,他们绝不会联想到受过良好教育的西方专业人士,”他说。

9.What good would that do? Look how much it educated me.那样有什么好处呢,看看我受到多少教育就知道了。

10.And what about the men? They should'n be educated as well to not have such a primitive mind set? I'm agree with the end of the article. . .那男人应该怎么样?我们不应该教育教育他们不要有这么原始的思维吗?我同意文章结尾说的…