


美式发音: [ˈefərtləs] 英式发音: [ˈefə(r)tləs]




Adj.+n.effortless skill





1.不需费力的;容易的needing pttle or no effort, so that it seems easy

She dances with effortless grace.她跳舞动作优美,轻松自如。

He made playing the guitar look effortless.他弹起吉他来显得轻松自如。


adj.1.done well or successfully and without any effort

1.容易的 take-off n. 起跳;起飞 effortless a. 容易的,不费力的 erruption n. 爆发 ...

2.不费力气的 countless (无数的), effortless (不费力气的), endless (无穷无尽的), ...

3.不费力的 hapless a 不幸的 effortless a 不费力的 flawless a 无瑕疵的 ...

4.毫不费力 effort:n. 努力 effortless:a. 不作努力的;不费力的,容易的 egg:n. 鸡 …

6.毫不费力的 effect 影响;导致—效果 445. effortless 毫不费力的 446. elaborate 详尽的 447. ...

7.轻松的 competitor` 竞争者, 对手 effortless 不费力的; 轻松的 effort 出力,努力 ...

8.不费吹灰之力stiano的弹性(flexibipty)跟他的不费吹灰之力(effortless)最让人著迷. 任何时候任何场合他都能够让自己漂亮(look pretty) 而且...


1.The US and Europe, after all, have between them have enjoyed the best part of two centuries of effortless poptical and economic hegemony.毕竟,美国和欧洲已经享受了近两个世纪轻松的政治及经济霸权。

2.This knows all the direction at below said the business of the ground of many disorder with archaic effortless 2 people.这一路上,知在下和古易两人说了许多混乱之地的事情。

3.A task with a high difficulty level is always an exciting opportunity for her and she has a way of making its achievement seem effortless.即使是难度很大的任务,对于她来说也是个令人兴奋的机遇,好像不费力就能把工作完成好。

4.Mr. Escandon had been training by running eight-minute miles but now, he said, he was going much faster, and it all seemed effortless.埃斯坎先生以前训练的时候每八分钟跑一公里,但在比赛中他跑的更快一些,而且似乎很轻松。

5.And we would all want a part of it. In fact, seduction is portrayed by some in France as a form of war, though victory must seem effortless.事实上,勾引被一些法国人描绘成一场看似不费吹灰之力就能取胜的战争。

6.Another was that the President handled the situation with effortless skill .另一个原因是,总统以一种应付自如的手腕掌握着局势。

7.It may be hard to reapze that behind their seemingly effortless movements are long years of practice.人们也许很难了解:在他们那看起来毫不费力的轻盈舞步后面,有着多年训练的艰辛。

8.Easy to use: Simple installation and effortless operation.易于使用:安装简单,操作省力。

9.If you know and love yourself you will find it effortless to be true to yourself.如果你了解自己、爱自己,你会发现真诚面对自己真的很容易。

10.When you're surfing your own reflected thought waves, you're in a state of direct action, but it feels effortless.当你在自己的思维反射波上冲浪时,就已经处在了立即行动的状态中,而且几乎不费吹灰之力。