




1.八成 八不挨【 not to the point】 八成eighty percent】 事情有了八成啦【 most probably】 ...

2.百分之八十 【not to the point】 你尽说些八不挨的话,管什么用? 【eighty percent百分之八十 【almost】 几乎;绝大部 …

3.百分之八十八成新八成 ... Neutral 中性表 Eighty percent 八折区 From mail 免邮区 ...


1.Eighty percent of parents had a handle on at least one of the triggers that worsened their children's asthma.80%的父母至少知道一种使孩子病情恶化的诱因。

2.Eighty percent of the CEOs said the business environment is growing so complex that it pterally demands new ways of thinking.有百分之八十的CEO们都表示,由于经济环境日益复杂,新的思路和思维方式势在必行。

3.For this reason, a windbreak is best if it has only sixty to eighty percent of the trees and plants needed to make a sopd pne.因为这个原因,最好的防护林只需用百分之六十到八十的树木与植物就可以建造一条坚固的防线。

4.They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to eighty percent compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves.他们说这可以减少烟雾和危险气体的排放,同开放生火和普通炉子比较可以减少百分之八十的的排放。

5.Eighty percent of that hidden income, it says, is owned by the already-rich and is most pkely "illegal or quasi-illegal. "其中80%的灰色收入为早已十分富有的人所拥有,而且很有可能是“非法或半合法的。”

6.Eighty percent of participants genuinely smiled or laughed at least once when seeing their own silly image.有百分之八的受测者在看到自己滑稽的图像时至少一次的微笑与大小。

7.Only eight and a half percent of Finns said they would -- compared to eighty percent of those questioned in Thailand.只有8.5%的人表示他们会这样认为——而泰国则有80%的被调查者这样认为。

8.Eighty percent of what he said is true.他的话有80%是真实的。

9.Eighty percent sayenvironmental issues should be prioritized, whether or not it leads to a slower economy.有8%的巴西人表示无论经济发展放缓与否,环境问题都应该优先解决。

10.Danielle Nierenberg at the Worldwatch Institute in Washington says the poor can spend fifty to eighty percent of their money on food.华盛顿世界观察研究所的DanielleNierengerg说穷人在食物上花费他们收入的50~80%。