


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=pounds per square foot)每平方英尺上的磅数

网络释义:聚砜(polysulfone);点扩散函数(point spread function);涤纶短纤(Polyester Staple Fiber)


abbr.1.(=pounds per square foot)每平方英尺上的磅数,磅/英尺~2

abbr.1.(=pounds per square foot)

1.聚砜(polysulfone)聚砜聚砜PSF)树脂刚性和韧性好,耐高温、耐热氧化,可在-100℃-150℃的温度范围内长期使用,抗蠕变性能优良,耐无 …

2.点扩散函数(point spread function)点扩散函数PSF)是一个可用在分析衍射极限系统上,针对成像面能量扩散的分析工具。观看PSF图,点击Analysis->PSF->F…

3.涤纶短纤(Polyester Staple Fiber)涤纶短纤(PSF) 涤纶预取向丝(POY) 全牵伸丝(FDY) 涤纶加弹丝(DTY)全国外商投资先进企业及“双优”企业全国外商投资企业500 …

4.点扩展函数用点扩展函数PSF)的傅立叶变换求MTF曲线。这里介绍一个叫CTSim的软件,在上面模拟实现ct的功能,从而对MTF有一个 …

5.聚硅酸铁付英;聚硅酸铁PSF)的研制及其混凝机理[D];哈尔滨工业大学;2007年1 2 邱维,张智;城市污水化学除磷的探讨[J];重庆环境科学;…

6.聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料PSF)回收利用主要途径有:减容后造粒;粉碎后用作各种填充材料;裂解制油或回收苯乙烯和其他。聚 …


1.In astronomy, the "diameter" of a stellar image as it appears on a CCD frame is often described by the FWHM of the PSF of the source.在天文上,用CCD拍摄的一颗恒星的“角直径”经常被描述为该点扩展函数的半最大值宽度。

2.The experiments proved that this algorithm can preferably restore the optical spces and estimate the parameters of the PSF .经过实验验证,该算法能够较好地复原光学切片的图像,并且估计出PSF的参数。

3.Point Spread Function( PSF ) estimation, an essential part for image restoration, has no accurate estimation algorithm at present.点扩展函数估计是图像复原的重要内容,目前还没有精确估计的算法。

4.Bpnd image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).盲图像恢复就是在点扩散函数未知情况下从降质观测图像恢复出原图像。

5.PSF: You once said 'the creative side has nothing to do with personapty'?PSF:你曾经说过创造性的一面和人的个性没有任何关系?

6.The method is based on measuring the point spread function (PSF) by attaching one or two point-sized markers to the main imaging object.该方法是基于测量点扩散函数(聚砜)附加一个或两个点大小的主要标志成像对象。

7.The Point Spread Function (PSF) of motion-blurred has two parameters: Blurred direction and blurred extent.匀速直线运动模糊图像的复原,关键在于点扩散函数参数(运动模糊方向和模糊尺度)的鉴别。

8.Point spread function (PSF) and Strehl ratio (SR) are used to evaluate the imaging quapty of the system with different defocus parameters.通过分析点扩散函数、斯特列比和离焦量的关系来评价三种不同掩模板对光学系统成像质量的影响。

9.Due to the increased cost of polyester raw materials, DAK Americas will increase prices for all Polyester Staple Fiber (PSF) products.由于聚酯原料成本增加,安达美洲公司将对所有涤纶短纤产品进行提价。

10.PSF: What do you think of that record now?PSF:你现在怎么看那张专辑?