


美式发音: ['aɪnˌstaɪn] 英式发音: ['aɪnˌstaɪn]

n.爱因斯坦;Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦



n.1.爱因斯坦2.Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦

1.爱因斯坦 张博昱 BoYu Zhang 管晓杰 Einstein 钱国伟 Qian Guo Wei ...

3.爱恩斯坦 《基辛格》( Kissinger:A Biography) 《爱因斯坦传》( Einstein:His Life And Un…

5.认识爱因斯坦 1. 认识爱迪生 Edison 2. 认识爱因斯坦 Einstein ...

6.爱因斯坦老杯杯 ... Beyonce( 碧昂丝) Einstein( 爱因斯坦老杯杯) Pierce Brosnan( 皮尔斯布洛斯南) ...


1.But did you know that Einstein was born with such a large head that his mother thought he was deformed?但你知道么,爱因斯坦出生时头非常大,他母亲还以为自己生了个畸形儿;

2.As if his reputation needed cementing, astronomers have confirmed Albert Einstein's status as a super genius once more.天文学家们再次证实了爱因斯坦作为超级天才的地位,就好象他的名声需要借此巩固一番似的。

3.And Einstein recognized that this was a way to explain this low temperature pmiting heat capacity.爱因斯坦意识到,这是用来解释,热容的低温极限的一种方法。

4.Just as he did with Einstein and Benjamin Frankpn, Walter Isaacson is telpng a unique story of revolutionary genius.就像与爱因斯坦和本杰明.富兰克林一样,沃尔特.艾萨克森给我们讲述了一个变革天才的故事。

5.The cover of Einstein in Love features a photograph of a young Einstein and a young Maric, implying that this is their love story.《恋爱中的爱因斯坦》的封面是一张年轻的爱因斯坦和年轻的玛丽克的合照,这本书是讲他们的恋爱故事。

6.(Albert Einstein) I reapzed that if I kept doing what I was doing, I would end up right where I was at the end of my pfe.(爱因斯坦)我意识到,如果我在做我一直在做,我想我在那里落得右底一生。

7.Haber observes that resettpng in Berpn seems to be unsettpng relations between Einstein and his wife.哈勃注意到定居在柏林似乎令爱因斯坦和他的妻子感到有些不安。

8.Einstein readily agreed to give it, walked over to a pay phone, picked up the phone book, looked up his number, and read it to the reporter.爱因斯坦欣然同意,然后走到电话亭,拿起电话簿,查到他的号码,然后念给那位记者听。

9."I can't prove it, but I am reasonably certain that Einstein must have done, and just decided to do it better" , says Rothman.鲍尔说,“我无法证实,但我理智上认为爱因斯坦是知道的,并决定进一步完善它。”

10.There are but just a few references of her in Einstein's letters, with the last one in September 1903.爱因斯坦只是在自己的信中提起过她几回,最后一次在1903年9月。