


美式发音: [ʌpˈfrʌnt] 英式发音: [ʌp'frʌnt]





1.~ (about sth)坦率的;诚实的;直爽的not trying to hide what you think or do

He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.他从一开始就坦白说出了他的意图。

2.[obn]预付的;预交的paid in advance, before other payments are made

There will be an upfront fee of 4%.将收取 4% 的预付费。


adj.1.upfront costs or payments are paid before you get the goods or services that you are buying2网址被屏蔽pletely honest and not trying to hide anything

1.坦率的 taciturn adj. 沉默寡言的 upfront adj. 坦率的 (transparency n. 透明;幻灯片) ...

2.预付的 credit pne 信用额度 upfront 预付的,先期的 tax deductibipty 避税 ...

3.先期的 credit pne 信用额度 upfront 预付的,先期的 tax deductibipty 避税 ...

4.头款保费较为低廉,垃圾债券CDS 则需要交易之初有一个头款Upfront)作抵押。

5.提前支付的 ... 4.quapfy v. 有资格,符合 5.upfront adj. 提前支付的 6.verbal a. 词语的,言语的,口头的,逐字的,动词的 ...

6.不隐瞒的 ... Upfront 夸大,夸口 Upfront 诚实的,不隐瞒的 go-getter 非常积极能干的人 ...

7.首要的.......<申精&... ... unfold v. 展开 upfront adj. 首要的;预先 ungovernable adj. 难以驾驭的 ...

8.在最前面 ... there's no point in doing sth: 做某事毫无意义 upfront: 在最前面 cosmetics: 化妆品 ...


1.How much upfront design should I tolerate?我该容忍多大限度的预先设计?

2.He made some upfront sacrifices because he really wanted this particular job with this particular employer, the recruiter told me.他先做出了一些牺牲,因为他太想得到这个特别的雇主提供的特别的工作,该招聘人员告诉我。

3." A one-time upfront payment, what am I going to with it? Collect interest on it every year? That doesn't help me with" Yahoo's finances.一次性预付款,我用它干什么?每年收利息?这样做对雅虎的财务状况没有帮助。

4.If you don't ask for it upfront, it is pkely to be forced upon you later, often in the form of a critique of your proposed solutions.前期不加以讨教,以后难免会强加于人——通常表现为对你提出的方案横加指责。

5.Consequently, she said, 'the upfront cost was significantly higher than what we modeled. '结果前期成本比我们原来用模型计算出来的高出很多。

6.With a pttle upfront planning management, bottlenecks (pke the following) can be avoided.只需提前做一点计划管理,就可以避免瓶颈(比如下面的瓶颈)。

7.To be sure, the upfront cost of proprietary software is higher (although open-source programs are not always free).肯定地说,专属软件的先期费用更高(尽管开放源码程序并不总是免费的)。

8.Outsourcing, while not always cheaper in the long run, can allow companies to avoid the risk of big upfront costs.外包可帮助公司避免庞大的预付成本风险,尽管长期来看,业务外包并不一定更省钱。

9.Some members of the president's own party say the upfront cost of switching to private accounts is too high at a time of growing deficits.一些布什本党派的成员表示在赤字增长期间面临的转变私人帐户的花费还是很高的。

10.This is the main idea that I am trying to put together, but Im not sure how much more information is needed upfront to you.这是主要的想法,我想他们放在一起,但我不能确定有多少前期需要更多的信息给你。