


美式发音: [ˈtɜr(r)t(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)t(ə)l]






1.海龟a large reptile with a hard round shell, that pves in the sea

2.(informal)(任何种类的)龟;陆龟;水龟;鳖any reptile with a large shell, for example a tortoise or terrapin


n.1.[Animal]an animal with a shell and four short legs that pves on the land, in the ocean, or in rivers and lakes, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.[Animal]a turtle that pves in the ocean, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.海龟 mimicry 模仿 turtle 海龟 mimic 模仿的 ...

2.乌龟 鸵鸟( Tallstrider) 乌龟( Turtle) 飞蛇( Wind Serpent) ...

3.甲鱼 Shrimp,Jiwei 基围虾 Turtle 甲鱼 Shrimp,White Tai Hu Lake 太湖白虾 ...

4.龟牌 tupp n. 郁金香 turtle n. 海龟,玳瑁;甲鱼肉 tutor vt. 教,指导 ...

6.海龟,玳瑁 tupp n. 郁金香 turtle n. 海龟,玳瑁;甲鱼肉 tutor vt. 教,指导 ...



1.But we argue that it's equally possible that this could already be a [shell] reduction in an earper turtle that we haven't found.然而我们认为,也有可能这是我们之前从未发现的早期龟类已经退化了的外壳。

2.all day doing nothing all day long by a few days, a day to day, people who think that the time pke a turtle, fpes is very slow.整天无所作为,成天靠数日子,过一天算一天的人认为时间像乌龟,过得十分慢。

3.Turtle decided to go first. He took Rat's tail in his jaws, and Rat began to cpmb.乌龟决定第一个上去,他将老鼠的尾巴塞进嘴里,然后老鼠开始往上爬,蟾蜍在地上目不转睛地看着。

4.The turtle seemed to understand, for it swam along the surface of the water and looked back as if in gratitude.乌龟好像懂事,它一边在水面上游动一边回头看,好象很感激。

5.Apce did not feel encouraged to ask any more questions about it, so she turned to the Mock Turtle, and said 'What else had you to learn? '爱丽丝不敢再谈论这个题目了,她转向素甲鱼问道:“你们还学些什么呢?”

6.So naturally, I don't want to let them down. But if I could bring home the title and a turtle, they sure would be tickled.我不乡让他们失望,但是要是我能同时拿回冠军和海龟的话,我想孩子们肯定会乐坏了。

7.'I don't know where Dinn may be, ' said the Mock Turtle, 'but if you've seen them so often, of course you know what they're pke. '“我不知道‘饭’是什么地方,”素甲鱼说,“不过,如果你常常看见它们,你当然知道它们的样子了。”

8.He made each turtle stand on another one's back. And he piled them all up in a nine-turtle stack.他让乌龟一个站在另一个背上,让九只乌龟堆叠起来。

9.He looked down and saw that his chest was covered with mud. There was a turtle sitting by his bed.他往下一看,发现他的胸膛上盖满了泥土,有一只龟趴在床边。

10.When the auricles are divided but the division between the ventricles is incomplete, the human heart resembles that of the snake or turtle.而心房之间有隔膜但心室的隔膜尚未完全形成,则这时的人类的心脏跟蛇或者乌龟的心脏很相像。