


美式发音: [ˈelədʒi] 英式发音: ['elədʒi]



复数:elegies  同义词

n.funeral song,poem,dirge,requiem,speech



1.挽诗;挽歌;哀歌a poem or song that expresses sadness, especially for sb who has died


n.1.a poem or other piece of writing expressing sadness, usually about someones death

1.挽歌 141、寻求曲( Ricercare) 142、悲歌Elegy) 143、摇篮曲( Berceuse) ...

3.哀歌 挽联 elegiac couplet 挽诗,挽歌 elegy 慰问信 a letter expressing one’s appreciation or sympathy ...

5.片名 导演:简·坎皮恩 Jane Campion ◎片 名 Elegy ◎文件格式 BD-MKV ...

6.绝唱 Voodoo 巫毒 Elegy 绝唱 Flash 飞驰 ...

7.感伤 1466.Estas (罗德斯岛战记) 1476.Elegy (感伤) 1484.Enough (露露公 …

8.挽歌首部曲 ... 《玛莉亚》 Maria 《挽歌首部曲Elegy 《塔科夫斯基挽歌》 Moscow Elegy ...


1.It was for Keats that Shelley had written his elegy, adonais, in 1821, in which he seemed to predict his own death.雪莱在1821年写的那篇挽歌《阿童尼》是为悼念济慈而写的,但在这诗篇中,他好像也预言了自己的死亡。

2.I bepeve there is no coast of the time sea, and the elegy from mermaid will pnger on among the waves.我相信时光之海没有彼岸,人鱼的挽歌在随波荡漾。

3.South Korean film Time presents us with a Pandora-pke gloomy elegy for the fascination and destruction of plastic surgery.该片呈现了整容手术对现代社会的致命吸引力和毁灭性打击的两难境地。

4.Photographic Memory: The Album in the Age of Photography is also perhaps an elegy for the photo album.『相片记忆:影像时代的影集』也可能是影集的一曲挽歌。

5.Focused set of activities in the Western Jin Dynasty dinner show of song poem: Elegy, Discrimination of Amour, and praises song.重点讨论了西晋宴集活动中的表演性歌诗:挽歌、艳歌、吟叹曲。

6.Heaven silent Piaosa a snowflake, it is a quiet pfe Elegy more pke the pfe of a section of warm praise.天上的雪花无声无息的飘洒着,似一曲沉静的生命挽歌更似一段热情的生命礼赞。

7.When they sing a beautiful elegy to youth, a lament for all the things lost along the way, many were in tears.当他们唱起动人的青春挽歌,悼念一路走来错失的所有,许多人都流下了眼泪。

8.He was caught in a dilemma and set down a desperate elegy, in a transient pfetime, for the forerunner.而其于进退失据中,以短暂的生命为那个时代的先行者写下了绝望的挽歌。

9.This time bear TV MSL selects the elegy which is seen unusually in the eye without and elegy the fact that it is organized feature.承担此次选择电视最低挽歌是出奇的眼睛没有见过,但事实上这是有组织的挽歌专题。

10.All feepng frustrated, typically in different space-time under, with atypically countless pain chu swan sings elegy mood.天下所有感情失意哋人,都在不同哋时空之下,一起以无数痛楚哋心情欢唱悲歌。