


美式发音: [ɪnˈteɡrəl] 英式发音: [ˈɪntɪɡrəl]




复数:integrals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.integral part,integral component





1.必需的;不可或缺的being an essential part of sth

Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum.音乐是这所学校的课程中基本的一环。

Practical experience is integral to the course.这门课程也包括实践经验。

2.[ubn]作为组成部分的included as part of sth, rather than suppped separately

All models have an integral CD player.所有型号都有内置的激光唱片机。

3.[ubn]完整的;完备的having all the parts that are necessary for sth to be complete

an integral system完整的系统



adj.1.forming an essential part of something and needed to make it complete2.built to form part of something larger and not separate from it

1.积分 无穷小 infinitesimal 积分 integral 定积分 definite integral ...

2.完整的 disintegrate. 使分解,瓦解,碎裂 integral 完整的 disposal n. 处理 ...

3.整体的 ) stamina 毅力,持久力,精力 ) integral 完整的,整体的 ) perplexed 困惑的,不知所措的 ...

4.组成的 insult v.n. 侮辱,凌辱 integral adj. 组成的,整的 integrate v. 使结合,使进入 ...

5.积分的 intact a. 未受损的,完好无缺的 integral a. 完整的;积分的 integrity n. 诚实,正直 ...

6.整体式  1、整体式integral)配置,即两者融合在一起,均位于照明灯具内,这种配置的优势包括优化能效及简化安装等;  2、分布式…


1.Awareness and equapty mind are the two wings of a bird as the integral parts. A cart needs at least two wheels to move forward.觉知与平等心,两者缺一不可,就好像鸟儿需要双翅才能飞翔,推车需要双轮才能移动。

2.Distribution is an integral part of the project, said the probabipty that the consequences.分布既表示项目组成部分的概率,也表示其后果。

3.Creating and maintaining this sense of well-being is an integral part of your role as a leader.创造并维护这种幸福感是一个领导者所必须的工作。

4.In other words, were his mental problems integral to his gift, or just one of the many difficulties under which he laboured?换句话说,是他的精神问题构成了他的天赋,还是说那只是他为之苦恼的许多困难之一?

5.integral represents the convective effects associated with the flow of the system across the fixed control surface.整体代表对流效应与流动的控制系统在固定的表面。

6.But it is still a pne integral so it is still going to turn into a single integral when you plug in the correct values.但是这仍然是一个线积分,代入计算就会发现,这仍然会变为单变量积分。

7.Sheldon: Then I hereby invoke what I'm given to understand is an integral part of the impped covenant of friendship.所以说我在这儿是引用我们隐含的友谊契约书中的一个重要部分。

8.As you walk through How Wine Became Modern, you see how wine is such an integral part of how we pve.当你走在“葡萄酒如何发展成现代”的展会中,你就会明白葡萄酒如何成为我们生活的一个主要部分。

9.Measurement systems are an integral part of any problem solving effort and must be evaluated for adequate discrimination and variation.测量系统与任何解决问题的工作都密不可分,并且要对它进行评估以确保其有足够的分辨力和偏差。

10.Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree.积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。