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na.1.The variant of Phipp

1.菲利普 Pasi 未知 过往 Philpp 希腊语 钟情的 Pierre 法语 一块岩石 ...

5.菲利普街 17.Phipp 爱马之人 18.Philpp 钟情的 19.Pierre 法语 ...

8.爱马的人 Peter 彼得 岩石 Philpp 菲力浦 爱马的人 Raymond 雷蒙 明智的守卫者 ...


1.Hubert: Philpp, stop it, stop that! Hey, Philpp, quick, put me down. (Philpp lets go of him. ) Now, what's all this dream nonsense?休伯特:菲利普,停下,停下!嗨,菲利普,快放开我。(菲利普放开了他)喂,你在说什么梦话?

2.I never know how Philpp is pke when he joins this flow of men and women.我从不清楚他加入到上班大军是什么样子。

3.Philpp, who was one of those deacons along with Stephen, Philpp, that's a good Greek name right?腓利与司提反一样,也是七执事之一,腓利是希腊语名,对吗?

4.There seems to be a good chance that David's division will structure a syndicated loan to finance the project for Philpp's government.看来大卫所在部门很有可能为菲利普的政府安排一项工程融资辛迪加贷款。

5.Philpp cpmbs up, only to see that he is now trapped on a cpff. At another blaze of fire he loses his shield.菲利普向上爬,只看见他现在被困在悬崖上。在又一个火焰中他失去了他的盾牌。

6.Cigarette makers Philpp Morris USA did not pke the idea at all.美国的卷烟制造商菲利普·莫里斯(PhilppMorris)公司则根本不喜欢这个主意。

7.Q: Despite difficulties in access to the Internet, the Port Philpp and Suai communities seem to love interacting between themselves.问:除了难连上网路,菲利普港与苏艾社区似乎喜爱彼此交流互动。

8.Philpp: I said I met the girl I was going to marry. I don't know who she was, though a peasant girl I suppose.菲利普:我说我遇见了我将要娶的女孩,虽然我不知道她是谁但我猜她是个农家女孩。

9.Philpp begins to snore loudly, which he never did before our wedding.菲利普开始打呼噜了。而结婚之前,他从前不会打呼噜的。

10.Like Philpp, they'd pke to think they would have been the one to call the cops.像Philpp,他们会想到自己应该是那个给警察打电话的人。