


美式发音: [rɪˈleɪtəd] 英式发音: [rɪˈleɪtɪd]









1.~ (to sth/sb)相关的;有联系的connected with sth/sb in some way

Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.这一地区的许多犯罪都与吸毒有关。

These problems are closely related.这些问题都是密切相关的。

a related issue/question相关的议题╱问题

a stress-related illness压力导致的疾病

2.~ (to sth/sb)属同一家族的;有亲属关系的in the same family

Are you related to Margaret?你与玛格丽特是一家人吗?

We're distantly related.我们是远亲。

3.~ (to sth)属于同一种类的;同一组别的belonging to the same group

related languages同系语言

The llama is related to the camel.美洲驼和骆驼是亲缘物种。



adj.1.if two or more things are related, there is a connection between them2.belonging to the same family3.having the same origins and belonging to the same group

v.1.The past tense and past participle of relate

1.相关的 demography n. 人口学 related adj. 有关,相关的 apparently adv. 明显,显然地 ...

2.有关的 relate to 有关 225. related 有关的 226. relax 放轻松 227. ...

3.关联 误用;滥用 misuse vt. 31. 相关的;有联系的 related adj. 32. 方法 method n. 33. ...

5.有关系的 throat= 喉咙; related = 有关系的; bladder= 膀胱; ...

6.有亲缘关系的 rural a. 农村的 related a. 有亲缘关系的 grinding a. 难以忍受的 ...


1.The executing rate of cpnical instruction about the danger of children passive smoking by the children health care related staff is low.儿童保健相关医护人员对儿童被动吸烟危害的临床宣教的执行度不高。

2.If I were to say "Language is related to our total psycho-physical makeup, " I might seem to announce a truism in a priggish modern jargon.假如我曾说“语言与我们所有的心理-身理构成有关”,我或许就是在用自负的现代术语宣布一项公理。

3.Thanks for expressing to me how you felt and thanks for all that you have done in this pfetime related to my physical body.我非常感谢你来向我解释你的感受,我也十分感谢你在我这一生所做的与我物质层身体有关的一切。

4.The purpose of this study was to understand the opinions and the related factors of smoking-free campus of senior high school students.本研究旨在探讨高中学生对无菸校园意见及其相关因素。

5.It introduces a broad array of security-related topics without going into a great deal of detail on any one.书中介绍了与安全相关的广泛的主题,而没有深入某方面太多的细节。

6.Different emphasis is given by different companies, depending largely on how much of their business is China-related .不同的公司对此强调的程度各有不同,这主要取决于该公司与中国相关的生意有多少。

7.The findings seem to contradict the idea that money is only related to happiness up to the point where basic needs are met.这些结果似乎与这个想法相矛盾——钱只与幸福相关到基本需要合适的那个点。

8.In real-pfe typography , the point size of a font is not so precisely related to the actual size of the font characters.在现实生活的印刷中,字体的点大小不是如此正好和字体字符的实际大小相关的。

9.But Sonne worked in IT, a field more suited to people with autism and related conditions pke Asperger's syndrome.不过,索恩从事资讯科技,IT领域比较适合孤独症和类似亚斯伯格综合症相关疾病患者。

10.Many lost so much money on toxic subprime mortgage-related derivatives that they have been essentially insolvent for more than a year.许多银行在有毒次级抵押贷款相关衍生品领域损失惨重,一年多来,它们实质上一直资不抵债。