


美式发音: [ˌeləˈment(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˌelɪˈment(ə)ri]




adj.+n.elementary school,elementary level,elementary stage,elementary form




1.初级的;基础的in or connected with the first stages of a course of study

an elementary Engpsh course基础英语课程

a book for elementary students初学者课本

at an elementary level处于初级水平

2.基本的of the most basic kind

the elementary laws of economics基本经济法则

an elementary mistake基本错误

3.简单的;容易的very simple and easy

elementary questions简单的问题


adj.1.relating to the most basic and important part of something; relating to the first and most basic things that you learn about a subject2.easy3.relating to the first years of school

1.基本的 unitary 单元的 elementary 基本的 planetary 行星的 ...

2.初级 E-Advance 高级 B-Elementary 初级 C-Intermediate 中级 ...

3.初级的 fundamental adj. 基本的, 基础的 elementary adj. 初级的 advanced adj. 高级的 ...

4.基本演绎法 customary 习惯性的 elementary 基本的,初步的 temporary 临时的 ...

6.基础的 commitment 奉献;忠诚 elementary 基础的;小学的 veterinarian 兽医 ...

7.初等的 neat a. 整洁的 elementary a. 初等的,初级的 sock n. 短袜 ...


1.Sayaka mentions that there was a fire in their old elementary school, and WG scolds her for bringing up the subject of "those days" .早矢香提到,有一个老人在小学火,为使工作组训斥了她的主题“那些日子”。

2.I was a monitor in elementary school and had a good grade , so I got the first place in the graduation exam.我在小学里是班长,学习成绩优秀,在小学毕业考试中还取得了全段第一的好成绩。

3.One of the biggest areas of homework frustration at my house, especially in the elementary school years, was the project.做家庭作业时,遇到的最大问题就是项目管理,尤其是在孩子读小学的时候。

4.In one of these cases the proposition is true for all the truth-possibipties of the elementary propositions.一种情况是,一个命题对于所有基本命题的真值可能性都为真。

5.Some want to interpret the Bible as if it were an elementary textbook.很多人想用《圣经》阐述很多事情,好像它就是一本基础教材。

6.As an important way of school-based teacher training, mentoring has been used widely in elementary schools and high schools.师徒制作为培养新教师的途径,已被国内外中小学普遍运用。

7.Elementary student's aggressive behavior most makes the matter which one has a headache, is also the consequence most serious one misdeed.小学生的攻击行为是最令人头疼的事,也是后果最严重的一种不良行为。

8.But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter.名著探讨的是一切问题的基本道理;从这一意义上说,它们可视为初级课本。

9.In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week.在美国,初中和高中被建议要每周给学生两个半小时的身体活动时间。

10.Despite her love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to participate.尽管她爱读书,她并没有在上小学的时候在学校里表现很好,因为她太害羞了,不敢去参加所有活动。