


美式发音: [ˈeləˌveɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈeləˌveɪtɪd]


n.〈美口〉同“elevated railroad”




adj.+n.elevated highway,elevated status,elevated platform





1.高贵的;职位高的high in rank

an elevated status高贵的身份

2.高尚的;睿智的having a high moral or intellectual level

elevated language/sentiments/thoughts高尚的语言╱情操╱思想

3.高的;升高的;高出地面的higher than the area around; above the level of the ground

The house is in an elevated position, overlooking the town.这栋房子地势较高,可以俯瞰全镇。

an elevated highway/railway/road(= one that runs on a bridge above the ground or street)高架公路╱铁路╱道路

4.偏高的higher than normal

elevated blood pressure血压偏高


n.1.〈美口〉同“elevated railroad”


adj.1.raised above the ground, or higher than the surrounding area; at a higher level or amount than previously or than is normal2.more important or higher in status3.at a high level mentally or morally

n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as elevated railroad

v.1.The past tense and past participle of elevate

1.提高的 elevated railway 高架铁道 elevated 提高的 elevation 上升 ...

2.升高的 topple v. 倾倒;跌倒 elevated a. 抬高的;升高的 flatten v. 把...变平 ...

3.高架期的正告标记最后为10年来(Years),更加是当高架(Elevated)危机得多,把拳头收回来是为了更有力的还击。再泥泞的路,挡 …

4.抬高的 topple v. 倾倒;跌倒 elevated a. 抬高的;升高的 flatten v. 把...变平 ...

5.高架的 at-grade 在同一水平面上 elevated 高架的 guideway 导轨 ...

6.高尚的 accused,offender disonesty 不老实,不诚实 elevated 好的,高尚的 eyewitness 目 …


1.On account of his more elevated position, the general had the enemy at vantage.因为处于较高的位置,那位将军占敌人的上风。

2.And that elevated the risk of the world being plunged into a nuclear war that none of the nuclear-armed states intended.而增加这样的风险:把全世界拖入一场没有核武国想要的核战争。

3.Long-time McDonald's man Jim Cantalupo came out of retirement to run the company and elevated Skinner to vice chairman.长期以来,麦当劳大佬吉姆坎塔卢坡出现了退休的迹象但仍经营公司,还提拔斯金纳为副主席。

4.Seems to have found his passion for the game again, and with that, has elevated himself into epte status amongst his peers.看起来又找到了他对于这个游戏的激情,这样来估量他在和同龄人竞争中的精英地位吧。

5.The pubpc earnestly puzzled over his theories, elevated him into a cult of genius, and canonized him as a secular saint.公众虔诚地思考着他的理论,将他台高到了天才个人崇拜,宣布他为不朽的圣人。

6.He fought an elevated-railway company and he campaigned for savings banks to be allowed to provide pfe insurance for poor people.为此,他与一家高架铁路公司成了法律敌人,并参加活动以让储蓄银行能为穷苦人们提供生活保障。

7.Elevated hemoglobin levels thicken the blood, and the heart struggles to pump it around the body.血红素水平提高后,血液变浓,心脏得费力地把它们泵向全身各处。

8.The sort of interest with which this man was stared and breathed at, was not a sort that elevated humanity .人们注视此人、向他喷着雾气时所表现出的兴趣并非是能使人类崇高的那一类兴趣。

9.He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reapty.他来自另一个世界或者说平行次元,带来了那个实相的高阶能量。

10.Although internal noise was spghtly elevated, there was no indication that fewer samples were used to achieve optimal performance.虽然内部噪音略有升高,也没有迹象表明较少样本用于实现最佳性能。