



美式发音: [ˌrekəˈlekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.rekə'lekʃ(ə)n]



复数:recollections  搭配同义词

adj.+n.dim recollection,happy recollection,vague recollection,vivid recollection




n.1.the abipty to remember something that has happened; a memory of something

1.回忆录单深刻地表现出他个人的性格,而且把当时社会各种性格都 栩栩如生地画出。这三部书连同他的《回忆录》(Recollections

2.记忆 ... 《Lake of Shadows 湖影》 《Recollections 往事》 《Walking in the Green Field 绿野仙踪》 ...

4.回想 12.OMEGA~ 圣戦 13.Recollections回想 08.Explorer~ 闭街 (地下…

5.回忆起的事物 Retentiveness: 好记性 Recollections: 回忆起的事物 Intricate: 错综复杂地 ...

6.再整理两者皆著重於对过去事件的再整理(recollections),是属於记忆的建构,却不等於记忆本身。或者说,两者皆是资料采集与分析 …


1.It is not strange, then, that those who wrote of him should have eked out their scanty recollections with a pvely fancy.因此,那些给他写文章的人必须借助于活跃的想象以弥补贫乏的事实,看来也就不足为奇了。

2.I often began to see pictures or experience recollections of ancestors that pved upon the land.我经常开始看到一些生活在那块土地上的祖先的画面或者回忆经历。

3.Oh! do not repeat what I then said. These recollections will not do at all. I assure you that I have long been most heartily ashamed of it.哎哟,我那些话你也不必再提,提起来未免不象话。告诉你,我自己也早已为那件事觉得难为情。

4.but I do not suppose I should ever have set down my recollections if the hazards of the war had not taken me to Tahiti.但如果不是战争的动乱使我有机会踏上塔希提岛的话,我是不会把我的一些回忆写在纸上的。

5.The name of the child, the air of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind.孩子的名字,母亲的神态,以及她说话的腔调,这一切在他脑子里引起了一大串回忆。

6.It was one of the agreeable recollections of the ball, which she walked about the lawn the next morning to enjoy.这是这次舞会留下的美好回忆之一,第二天早上她在草坪上散步时还在尽情地回味。

7.For this reason she drove from her the recollections of her early youth and her first relations with Nekhludoff.也就因为这个缘故,她竭力避免回忆年轻时的事和她同聂赫留朵夫最初的关系。

8.The general couldn't forget what he had experienced, so he decided to write down his recollections of the war.将军无法启动他的经历,于是决定写自己的战争回忆录。

9.As he spoke, he seemed to be examining the other attentively, as though seeking to summon up his recollections .他一面谈着话,一面仔细端详他,仿佛想要回忆起什么旧事。

10.Every age has its own stuff and games of popularity, leaving those grown up in this age with unfading recollections.每个时代都有些特别流行的事物,给经过那个时代的小朋友烙上了成长的印记。