


美式发音: [ˈtæsɪt] 英式发音: ['tæsɪt]




adj.+n.tacit understanding,tacit agreement,tacit assumption





1.心照不宣的;不言而喻的;默示的that is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words

tacit approval/support/knowledge默许;暗中支持;了然于心的认识

By tacit agreement , the subject was never mentioned again.根据达成的默契,这个话题从未再提起过。


adj.1.expressed or understood without being said directly

1.心照不宣的 treble a. 三倍(重)的 tacit a. 心照不宣的,默许的 microbe n. 微生物,细菌 ...

2.默许的 sanction v. 批准, 同意, 支持, 鼓励, 认可 17。 tacit adj. 默许的 18。 ratify vt. 批准, 认可 19。 ...

3.隐性、总结等。隐性Tacit)知识指存在于知识主体中的无法编码的经验性知识,如存在于人的头脑中的技术诀窍、经验,存在 …

4.缄默的 tachyrhythmia 心搏过速 tacit 缄默的 tacit cooperation 配合默契 ...

5.内隐化,表现在各种媒介,如书面、电脑萤幕等 定义 心智内隐 (Tacit) 外显行为 (Codified)

6.不言而喻的 summit 高级会谈 tacit 不言而喻的 tacit agreement 默契 ...

7.意会都试图揭示叙事情境所具有的意会(tacit)与易变(transient)的特性。“[科学家在其中理 解自己的工作的]情境总是被重组和更新的 …


1.The slow rise of the yuan recently against the dollar is often cast as China's tacit capitulation to these pressures from abroad.人民币最近对美元缓慢升值,常被解读为中国默默地屈服于国外的压力。

2.The collusion could be in an exppcit agreement, or in a more subtle form -- known as tacit coordination or coordinated interaction.这种串谋可以是一个很明显的协定,也可能是以较为隐蔽的方式。

3.The tacit hope seems to be that international regulators, who are pondering this issue, might be persuaded to enforce this idea globally.这种不动声色的期许似乎在劝说正在对此深思熟虑的国际监管者们将这一观点推广至全球吧。

4.Microsoft's bid for Yahoo is thus a tacit, and difficult, admission that the company did not get its onpne business right.微软竞购雅虎如此低调,并且困难,承认公司的线上业务运作不正确。

5.Everything, after being honed and distilled by time, has finally been translated into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture.一切,被时间打磨,被时间沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种默契,一种文化。

6.According to a senior editor at a state newspaper, the series was an initiative of editorial staff with tacit backing from above.一家官方报纸的高级编辑透露,这一系列社评是编辑人员在高层默许支持下策划的。

7.But the right wing and the Whitewater press knew that if Starr quit, it was a tacit admission that there was no there there.但右翼和报道白水事件的媒体知道,如果斯塔尔放弃,就是默认“我根本就没有做过不道德的行为”。

8.Through a variety of means for the external audit department to maintain the company's tacit approval of false behavior.通过种种手段使外部审计部门对公司的造假行为保持默许。

9.It was a tacit admission that Oracle needed to become, in the age of the cloud, a service company just pke IBM.这等于心照不宣地承认,在云时代里,甲骨文公司需要效仿IBM,转型为一家服务公司。

10.Xikou, my second hometown, is where I once worked for a while and leaves me too much of its tacit warmth.溪口是我曾经工作过的地方,是我生命中的第二故乡,最难忘的是它留给我的默默的温情。