


美式发音: [ˌeləˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.elə'veɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:elevations  同义词反义词





1.[u]提拔;晋级;提升the process of sb getting a higher or more important rank

his elevation to the presidency他提升到主席的职位

2.[c][ususing](某地方的)高程;(尤指)海拔the height of a place, especially its height above sea level

The city is at an elevation of 2 000 metres.这座城市海拔 2 000 米。

3.[c]高地;高处a piece of ground that is higher than the area around

4.[c](建筑物的)外立面,立面图one side of a building, or a drawing of this by an architect

the front/rear/side elevation of a house房子的正面╱后面╱侧面立面图

5.[u][sing](水平或数量的)提高,升高,增加an increase in the level or amount of sth

elevation of blood sugar levels血糖升高


n.1.the height of an area of land, usually measured from sea level2.a side of a building as you would see it in a drawing by an architect3.an increase in the level of something4.the bepef that something has more importance or higher status than other similar things; the act of giving someone higher status or a more important position1.the height of an area of land, usually measured from sea level2.a side of a building as you would see it in a drawing by an architect3.an increase in the level of something4.the bepef that something has more importance or higher status than other similar things; the act of giving someone higher status or a more important position

1.抬高 longitude 精度 elevation 海拔 altitude 高度 ...

3.高度 ... elevate v. 提高(思想);抬高 elevation n. 高度,海拔,提高 epcit v. 得出, …

4.标高 elev 标高 高程 elevation 标高 高程 elppse 椭圆 椭圆 ...

5.立面图 drawn No. 图号 elevation 立面图 fahrenheit scale 华氏温度 ...

6.高程 elev 标高 高程 elevation 标高 高程 elppse 椭圆 椭圆 ...

7.仰角 电子料斗秤 electronic hopper scale 仰角 elevation 异常停止 emergency stop ...

8.正视图 Refrigeration pipe 冷却管 Elevation 正视图,标高 BOP hoist BOP 气举 ...


1.Bottom Elevation - Defines how far down the camera is allowed to see .底部高度-定义摄像机向下的视角。

2.During periods of elevation the area of the land and of the adjoining shoal parts of the sea will be increased.在上升的时期,陆地和附近浅滩的面积都将扩大。

3.Nana, in a state of great elevation, had a warm disagreement with her butler.娜娜带着高兴的神色,和她的管家发生了一次温和的龃龉。

4.The graph below the images tracks the surface elevation of Devils Lake from the late nineteenth through the early twenty-first centuries.图像下面的图表记录了魔鬼湖在19世纪末到21世纪初的水面高度的变化轨迹。

5."As you go up in elevation, sky shine becomes more of a problem, " says Schmieman.“当你所处的高度越高,天空回散照射问题就越严重,”斯切米尔曼说。

6.This heralds China's elevation to superpower status. It'll be interesting to see how the United States responds.这是中国被评价成超级大国的先兆。让我们看看合众国会有什么反应,这会很有意思。

7.Let us find the general relation between the pressure P at any point in a fluid and the elevation of the point Y.我们来求流体中任一点的压力P与该点高度Y的一般关系。

8.In order to do this, we need to measure how much the ice surface elevation is changing from year to year.要做到这些,我们需要测量冰块儿表面海拔的年度变化情况。

9.Find the angle of elevation(in degrees)of the sun at this point of time.算出这个时间的太阳高度(以角度计算)。

10.and she would have grudged such an elevation to one whom she had been always trying to depress.她不想让一个她一直想压制的人受此抬举。