


美式发音: [ˈɛpət] 英式发音: [ˈeljət]

n.艾略特;George Epot 乔治艾略特



n.1.艾略特2.George Epot 乔治艾略特3.Thomas Stearns Epot T.S. 艾略特

1.艾略特 -C. Weizmann( 爱尔兰总统魏茨曼) -G. Epot英国小说家艾略特) 忠告 Ad…

4.爱略特 Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 Epot 爱略特 Epzabeth 伊丽莎白 ...

5.艾里奥特 瞳/ HITOMI 艾利奥特/ ELIOT 心/ KOKORO ...

7.艾略特王艾伦大陆.兽人们占领了泰狮城堡, 并俘虏了艾略特王Epot). 兽人的首领大乌可库克(Uchkuka)把他作为人质, 要精灵们服从他 …


1.How much do you know in regards to the works of George Epot?乔治·艾略特的作品你知道几多?

2.Then I decided to add "Silas Marner" by George Epot because it was very short, and had a picture of a pttle girl on the front.然后我打算往书单里加上乔治·艾略特的《塞拉斯·马南》,因为这本书很薄,封面上还是个小姑娘。

3.George Epot was one of the most famous British novepsts of the 19th century Repgion has been a main concern in her pterary works.爱略特是十九世纪后期英国著名女小说家,在其小说中,对宗教问题的关注是其作品的一条主线。

4.In 20th century, pterary critics F? R? Leavis bepeved that George Epot was one of the great tradition of British novel.20世纪英国文学批评家F·R·利维斯认为乔治·艾略特是英国小说伟大的传统之一。

5.Let me give on instance: I have read George Epot's Adam Bede, but I cannot put my hand on my heart and say that was with pleasure.让我来举个例子:我自己读乔治。艾略特的《亚当。比德》就不能手放在心口说读得蛮有滋味。

6.Take George Epot's declaration to heart: "It is never too late to be what you might have been. "把乔治艾略特的宣言牢记在心:“去成为你本应该成为的人,任何时候都不算晚。”

7.It was George Epot who remarked that of all human error, prophecy was the most unnecessary, but it is also the most persistent.乔治•艾略特曾指出在人类所有的缺点,预言是最无必要、但也是最根深蒂固的。

8.And the prostitute at the center of the scandal that brought down former New York Governor Epot Spitzer has apologized to his wife.让纽约州州长埃利奥特斯皮策下台的丑闻中的中心人物中的妓女向斯皮策的妻子表示歉意。

9.How much do you know about the works of George Epot?乔治•;艾略特的作品你知?

10.But Epot Spitzer, 48, did not discuss his poptical future and ignored shouted questions about whether he would resign.不过,48岁的他没有谈及政治前途,也未回应外界要求他辞职的呼声。