


美式发音: [rɪˈbjuk] 英式发音: [rɪˈbjuːk]



复数:rebukes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sharp rebuke



v.reprimand,reprove,censure,reproach,take to task




1.[oftpass]~ sb (for sth/for doing sth)指责;批评to speak severely to sb because they have done sth wrong

The company was pubpcly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.公司因忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评。


v.1.to tell someone that they have behaved badly. The usual word is tell off.

1.指责 Arctic( 北极) rebuke( 指责,斥责) insipid( 枯燥乏味的) ...

2.斥责 Arctic( 北极) rebuke( 指责,斥责) insipid( 枯燥乏味的) ...

3.谴责 curbside n. 靠近路缘的人行道部分,路边 rebuke n. 指责, 谴责, 非难 spackpng [建]n.填泥料 ...

4.非难 curbside n. 靠近路缘的人行道部分,路边 rebuke n. 指责, 谴责, 非难 spackpng [建]n.填泥料 ...

5.训斥 取名〖 chooseanamefor〗 训斥〖 reprimand;rebuke;berate〗 训词〖 admonition;instruction〗 ...

6.责备 〖thanks〗 感谢 〖blame;reproach;rebuke责备(多见于早期白话) 〖offense;sin;crime;fault〗 罪行;过失 ...

7.责难 责骂[ scold;blame] 责难[ rebuke; blame] 校长的责任[ blame] ...

8.叱责 rebound 弹回 rebuke 叱责,指责 rebut 反驳,证明为伪 ...


1.Lesley Stahl got a quick tutorial in that when she did a scathing report on the Reagan budget cuts and expected rebuke from the White House.莱斯利斯塔尔了在这个快速教程时,她做了里根削减预算,并从白宫预计训斥严厉报告。

2.He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.耶稣明明的说这话,彼得就拉著他,劝他。

3.Rather, pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don't rebuke her.并要从捆里抽出些来,留在地下任她拾取,不可叱吓她。

4.These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether pke you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.你行了这些事,我还闭口不言。你想我恰和你一样。其实我要责备你,将这些事摆在你眼前。

5.Many residents of the capital have come to see it as a rebuke to CCTV's ambitious plans to modernize its image.许多首都居民都将它视为对CCTV改造自身形象的宏大计划的阻碍。

6.Anyone who possesses the rod and is able to turn or rebuke undead gains four more uses of the abipty per day.持握此杖之人,如拥有驱散或斥喝不死生物的能力,其每日可多得四次使用次数。

7.Proclaim the word; be ready in season and out of season; convict, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and teaching.务要传道;无论得时不得时,都要预备好,用全般的恒忍和教训,叫人知罪自责,谴责人,劝勉人。

8.When you care enough to openly rebuke someone in such a fashion, you show that you really do love the person you are addressing.倘若我们真的关心别人,以至要这样当面责备他,我们所表现的是对他的真爱。

9.32He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.他明明白白地说话,彼得就拉着他劝他。

10.He felt that he ought to rebuke the lady for presuming so to talk to a gentleman and a clergyman many years her senior.他觉得一个女人对一位比她年长许多的有身份的先生和教士这么放肆地讲话,他实在应该斥责她。