


美式发音: [ə] 英式发音: [əˌdi:nəʊ'vaɪrəs]






n.1.a virus that causes respiratory infections in humans

1.腺病毒亚克隆到逆转录病毒载体 (Retrovirus),腺病毒载体Adenovirus),慢病毒载体(Lentivirus),具有较好的适用性。

3.犬腺病毒 R:Rabies -( 狂犬病) A:Adenovirus -( 犬腺病毒) D:Distemper -( 犬瘟 …

4.腙样病毒 adenosylcobalamine 腺甙钴胺生素 adenovirus 腺病毒;腙样病毒 adenylate 腙甙酸盐 ...

5.腺毒病)及体内 实验 表达风度 中水平表达 高水平表达 腺病毒表达系统Adenovirus) 双链 DNA 病毒 自主复制 病毒基因组游离于 …


1.This turned out to be a problem because at high concentrations the adenovirus clumped together, again becoming unstable.而这也成为了问题,因为高浓度的腺病毒聚集在一起后,又变的不稳定。

2.The paper says at least 10 people have been killed by a variant of the strain known as adenovirus 14.据报道一种变异的腺病毒14已导致了至少十人死亡。

3.Now, a new report confirms that the Davis outbreak was the first known case of an adenovirus jumping from monkeys to humans.现在,一份新的报告确认,这场戴维斯的疾病爆发事件,是已知的首例腺病毒经猴子传给人类的案例。

4.The disabled virus, known as an adenovirus, can then be used as a vector, or carrier, of other genes that researchers insert into the virus.这种缺陷病毒是大家熟知的腺病毒,它可以被用作载体,帮助运送研究人员插入病毒中的其他基因。

5.Objective To understand the characteristics of adenovirus infection in hospitapzed children with pneumonia in Guangzhou area.目的了解广州地区住院肺炎患儿腺病毒感染情况。

6.Then, after four days, their left ears were infected with an adenovirus (one of the sorts of virus that cause colds).四天以后,另一只不聋的耳朵也被一种腺病毒所感染(引起感冒的一种病毒)。

7.Likewise, most people infected by the suspect adenovirus do not appear to become seriously ill.同样,大部分疑似腺病毒感染人群不会转变成严重疾病。

8.Because adenovirus as a gene transfer has many advantages, now it has been widely used in gene therapy.由于腺病毒作为基因转移的载体有许多优点,现已被广泛的应用于基因治疗。

9.The vaccine did not affect infection rates in men with no adenovirus-5 immunity.疫苗对于没有过腺病毒5免疫反应的人没有影响感染状况。

10.Conclusions Lentivirus vectors have more advantages as a gene transferring (gene conduction) system than adenovirus vectors.结论慢病毒载体较腺病毒载体作为基因转导系统更有优势。