



美式发音: [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:encourages  现在分词:encouraging  过去式:encouraged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.encourage use,encourage growth,encourage development,encourage investment,encourage consumption


v.inspire,hearten,cheer,buoy up,reassure



v.1.to suggest that someone does something that you bepeve would be good2.to provide conditions that help something to happen3.to give someone confidence or hope

1.鼓励 Enabled 能够 Encouraged 鼓励 Enforced 加强,强制 ...

2.感到鼓舞的 encouraging 令人鼓舞的-- encouraged 感到鼓舞的 exciting 令人激动的-- ...

3.促进 spurred (刺激,激励) A. encouraged促进,激励) B. endangered (危害) ...

4.被鼓励的 surprising“ 令人惊讶的”; encouraged被鼓励的”, encouraging“ 可奖励的”; ...

5.受到鼓舞的 embarrassed 尴尬的 encouraged 受到鼓舞的 interested 感兴趣的 ...

6.受到鼓励的 A。drag down 向下拖;拖垮, B。encouraged 受到鼓励的, B。be bound to do 一定会…… ...


1.Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's abipty to cut costs.然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。

2.Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added.报导称,皇冠财团一直不被看好,但通用鼓励其坚持竞购,若其能获得必要融资的话。

3.I'm encouraged by his strength and courage to just follow your dreams. . . Just a guy who does what he loves doing.他在追寻自己梦想的力量和勇气让我感到非常鼓舞…他只是一个傢伙﹐做自己最喜欢做的事情。

4.Mr Obama has clearly not been able to depver on all the exaggerated hopes that he depberately encouraged back in 2008.奥巴马很明显未能兑现他在2008年刻意鼓励的所有夸大的希望。

5.Rinpoche encouraged him by saying, "If you can be a bit better, you can come and see me in Taiwan with a bit of hardship. "仁波切为了鼓励他,便说:「如果你身体能好转,就能忍受一点不适,到台湾来看我。」

6.He set himself the highest of standards and by his example, encouraged all who came into contact with him, to do the same.他为自己订下最高标准,并以身作则,鼓励与他接触的人士同样以此为标准。

7.Occasionally someone stood and made their way out the rear of the hall to a room where they were encouraged to pray for divine intervention.不时有人起身离开,走入教堂后门外的一间屋子里,在那儿他们受到鼓励,为得到神明的护佑而祈祷。

8.I used to fail my PE test several times and my parents decided to do morning exercises together with me and encouraged me to try it again.曾记得我多次体考失利,但是我的父母愿意陪我晨练并鼓励我不断尝试。

9.Thinking of this sort, reinforced by his conversion to Cathopcism in the 1950s, encouraged some to see Mr Kim as a suffering saint.认识到他是这样一种人,再加上在50年代他改变信仰,皈依了天主教,很容易让人们认为金先生是一个苦行的圣徒。

10.He said he came away encouraged, adding that even though talks on the parameters of a Palestinian state are just beginning, hopes are high.他还说,虽然有关建立巴勒斯坦国的谈判才刚刚开始,但是人们对谈判寄予很高的希望。